Critical Illness Support Resource

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Critical Illness Support Resource

Postby zephyr » Tue Dec 19, 2023 12:12 pm

Something Green Tea wrote prompted me to post this. The Living Dying Project is a non-profit organization that offers conscious and compassionate support to those facing life-threatening illness, to their caregivers, to those facing life’s most difficult situations, and to anyone committed to spiritual transformation. Among other things, they have Zoom support groups and volunteer counselors. They are based in the San Francisco Bay Area but the Internet and telephone extend that reach. I think it takes a special kind of person to be committed to that kind of work and, in my experience, they truly are special people.

Mission page:
Free Resources:

The Living Dying Project exists entirely on donations. Some free services, such as the Zoom support groups, have a nominal suggested (but not required) donation to cover operational expenses.
Nov-2009 Early stage CRC, routine colonoscopy
2010-2014 F/U colonoscopies, all clear
Jun-2016 CRC during F/U colonoscopy, surgery, Stage 4, KRAS, MSS
Aug-2016-May-2018 Folfox, 5FU, Folfiri & Avastin
Aug/Sep-2018 YAG laser surgeries (Germany), 11 nodules removed
Nov-2018 clean CT scan
Mar-2019 New lung nodules
Apr-2019 Dec-2020 Xeloda/Avastin, SBRT, cont. Xeloda/Avastin
Mar-2021 Forfiri/Avastin
Mar-2022 Ablation & Thoracotomy
Feb-2023 Folfiri & Avastin
Nov-2023 Xeloda & Avastin

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