Drugs to prevent anxiety, stress reactions and inflammation found to reduce risk of metastases after tumor surgery (Prop

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Drugs to prevent anxiety, stress reactions and inflammation found to reduce risk of metastases after tumor surgery (Prop

Postby CoolHandLuke8723 » Sun Sep 17, 2023 7:49 pm

Drugs to prevent anxiety, stress reactions and inflammation found to reduce risk of metastases after tumor surgery (Propranolol & etodolac provided 1/4 the metastasis of placebo)

A short, simple and safe drug treatment developed at Tel Aviv University reduced the risk of the spread of cancer metastases after surgery to remove the primary tumor.

The risk of metastases after tumor removal is estimated at 35% among colon cancer patients.

Prof. Ben-Eliyahu explains, "The stress and inflammation reactions and anxiety of cancer recurring—all have an adverse effect on the body's ability to fight metastatic processes."

"The good news is that we know how to treat both stress and inflammation using off-the-shelf medications."

The researchers gave 34 colon cancer patients two safe drugs that are available in every pharmacy: propranolol (Darlin), used to lower blood pressure and reduce anxiety, and etodolac (Etopan), used to prevent pain and inflammation.

Sixteen randomly chosen patients took the medication for 20 days—from five days before to two weeks after surgery. The other 18 patients received placebo drugs (control group). Five years later, nine of the 18 patients who received the placebo (50%) developed cancer metastases, compared to two of the 16 patients who took Darlin and Etofen (12.5%).

Prof. Ben-Eliyahu adds, "Although at five years after the operation, the statistical significance is clear. Our treatment reduced markers of metastasis in the tumor tissue, and reduced the chances of cancer recurrence. This is a short, cheap drug treatment with no significant side effects. We deliberately sought the safest and cheapest drugs capable of lowering the body's stress-inflammatory response to surgery, in order to save lives."

"It sounds too good to be true, but similar results in breast cancer tissue were obtained in a study we conducted in 2017. The effects are statistically significant, meaning that they are not accidental."

https://medicalxpress.com/news/2022-12- ... ation.html

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