It has been a very hard few months. Long story short, second reoccurrence of his cancer that is currently inoperable because they would need to remove most/all of his colon to get it and they are worried about further spread than they can currently see. The plan is to do treatment, hope it shrinks the tumor we can see and that nothing else pops up. If both end up being true then they will remove the current tumor.
I accidentally saw the treatment plan last night, as it was already posted to the portal even though we don’t meet up with the oncologist until Friday. I had a sickening jolt when I saw his treatment has moved from “curative intent” to “managing disease”, and then when I read up on the chemo they are planning to use (Lonsurf) it seems to imply life expectancy is less than a year so I freaked out more.
Has anyone here been on Lonsurf? What can John expect as far as side effects go, were they better or worse than Folfolx? How long were you on it? Has anyone gone into remission on this? The website makes it sound like its only purpose is to extend your life a couple of months. John has maxed out his IV meds from the last two treatments and his genetic testing doesn’t show anything to target.