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Postby Pagola44 » Mon Jan 27, 2025 10:56 pm

Hi everyone, hope everyone is doing great.

I am coming up to my yearly scan in March, I'm hoping everything is fine.. but I am a little concerned lately as I've been feeling very tired.

know that in hindsight, tiredness was one of the symptoms that I ignored when i did have colon cancer. So i'm feeling a bit uneasy that i'm experiencing feeling really sleepy lately.

I know there are soo many factors that can lead to tiredness, diet, nutrition, work, stress, sleep issues etc. I also know that if i did have a recurrence it's likely very small and probably won't give me symptoms (such as tiredness).

I've read how FOLFOX can cause fatigue lasting months to years, is there any truth to this? I've also read how colon resection can cause your body not to process foods as well / nutrients which could also cause fatigue?

Anywho, was just hoping to see if anyone else had some issues with long term fatigue even when NED? or Perhaps they started experiencing fatigue and it was a sign of recurrance/mets?
29m Male.
DX: CC, Right Hepatic Flexure, 4cm, T3, G2, M0
Stage III3B , Positive lymph nodes: (2/20)
Baseline CEA value: 1.98
LVI and PNI: absent
Surgical margins: clear
No lynch Syndrome or MSI
Primary surgery type: Laparascopic

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beach sunrise
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Re: Tiredness

Postby beach sunrise » Tue Jan 28, 2025 6:36 pm

I didn't have fatigue when mets were brewing. Constant runny nose is the only symptom I had, which is also something to pay attention to with lung mets.
How's your appetite? Good or losing weight?
Do you live in a climate that isn't getting alot of sunlight this time of year? If so, it could be you need vitamin D.
If you have had alot of stress lately then adrenal fatigue can happen as I have read.
Just my opinion.
8/19 RC CEA 82.6 T3N0M0
5FU/rad 6 wk
IVC 75g 1 1/2 wks before surgery. Continue 2x a week
Surg 1/20 -margins T4bN1a IIIC G2 MSI- 1/20 LN+ LVI+ PNI-
pre cea 24 post 5.9
7 rds 6-10 CEA 11.4 No more
7/20 11.1 8.8
8/20 7.8
9/20 8.8, 9, 8.6
10/20 8.1
11/20 8s
12/20 8s-9s
ADAPT++++ chrono
10/23/22 26.x
12/23/22 22.x
1/5 17.1
1/20 15.9
3/30 14.9
6/12 13.3
Nodule RML SUV 1.3 5mm
Rolles 3 of 4 lung nodules cancer
Chem-sens test failed Not enough ca cells to test

Posts: 425
Joined: Mon Jul 03, 2023 7:57 pm

Re: Tiredness

Postby Pagola44 » Wed Jan 29, 2025 5:15 am

beach sunrise wrote:I didn't have fatigue when mets were brewing. Constant runny nose is the only symptom I had, which is also something to pay attention to with lung mets.
How's your appetite? Good or losing weight?
Do you live in a climate that isn't getting alot of sunlight this time of year? If so, it could be you need vitamin D.
If you have had alot of stress lately then adrenal fatigue can happen as I have read.
Just my opinion.

Hey thanks for the response
hope you're doing well
Apetite is fine, weight is fine as well.
I get a lot of sun, and take vitamin d as well.
hmm, could be stress, thanks for the input
I've booked a doctors appointment and will get a general blood test haven't had one for ages.
29m Male.
DX: CC, Right Hepatic Flexure, 4cm, T3, G2, M0
Stage III3B , Positive lymph nodes: (2/20)
Baseline CEA value: 1.98
LVI and PNI: absent
Surgical margins: clear
No lynch Syndrome or MSI
Primary surgery type: Laparascopic

Posts: 58
Joined: Sun Jan 21, 2024 8:42 am
Facebook Username: joseph peck
Location: Westchester, NY

Re: Tiredness

Postby JP66 » Wed Jan 29, 2025 10:25 am

I admit I've had the exact same fear for the exact same reason from time to time, but I realize now there are so many other factors potentially involved that I shouldn't worry about that one. Of course, just like everything else for us that's easier said than done, lol.
Male 58 y/o
TIIIbN+M1 - Stage IV (10/23) - 2 left common iliac lymph nodes metastatic
MSI - MSS; KRAS non-mutant
Modified Neo-adjuvant Therapy (FOLFIRINOX instead of FOLFOX)
tumor 7.4 cm from AV, moderately differentiated
12/23 - 27 treatments rad+Xeloda
03/24 6 FOLFIRINOX infusions
4/24 PET Scan and MRI - tumor gone, lymph nodes normal
5/30/24 TME/LAR + lymphadenectomy of 2 left common iliac LN
7/15/24 6 rounds FOLFOX
CEA (10/23-10/24) 1.8,1.3,1.6, 1.8, 1.6,2.1,2.7
11/19/24 PET Scan - NED

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