Vitamin C IV

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Vitamin C IV

Postby Andreea81 » Sun Dec 29, 2024 11:34 am

Hi all,

Unfortunately, we also had to use these alternative therapies such as Injectable Vitamin C for our grandmother diagnosed with cancer and malignant tumors.
We went with her to many doctors and therapists in all states... finally we found a therapist who agrees with alternative therapies and to administer Vitamin C to her at home.
The part with purchasing Intravenous Vitamin C was the hardest because we needed a large amount and with a strong concentration.
By consulting the forums, I managed to find out about Vitamin C IV from PharmaLife Romania which fits the therapist's requirements and we were able to purchase it with the appropriate standards for cancer.
The treatment lasted about 6 months and had positive results... the malignant tumors began to retreat and the level of cancer cells in the body also decreased.
What can I say, with this therapy we managed to extend my grandmother's life.
Before, I was skeptical when I heard about alternative therapies, but now I really recommend it.

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