Cryo-ablation side effects

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Cryo-ablation side effects

Postby ASTEPHENS33 » Sun Dec 15, 2024 3:22 pm

A friend had a cryo-ablation procedure about a week ago. A carcinoma on the posterior side of the Left kidney was ablated.

The procedure went fine and the lesion was removed. However, the day after surgery, she started having numbness of her upper Left Quadricep, and her lower abdomen (diaphragm to groin) is considerably distended - like a ball is inside.
She is Not constipated and is Not passing gas.
She has had an Ultrasound & bloodwork.

This is what the Interventional Radiologist who did the procedure said about results:
Ultrasound looks great also. NO bleeding. No fluid. Can't even see the mass anymore. Nothing to explain the distention except some gas in the bowel.
The thigh numbness might be related to you being on your belly on the table. Sometimes some nerves run close to the psoas muscle which is where your mass was abutting. Perhaps some of those nerves have been irritated and should get better. Unlikely nerves from psoas are sensing signal from your thigh, but perhaps!

Any ideas?

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