Hello all,
I'm a 52 year old female with no family history except my paternal grandmother passing from colon cancer at 80 years old. I don't know if there is any other family history because I don't know any other family from either side.
I began experiencing bloody stools about 7 years ago but chalked it up to an internal hemorrhoid I'd had since the late 90's. It never bothered me enough to worry about getting it looked at. A couple of years ago I began to notice I had blood in my stool every time I went, not just when the hemorrhoid flared up. Then about this time last year I began passing a lot more blood, blood clots, tiny bits of bloody tissue and mucus. I would bleed through my jeans at times. In June I told my Gyn about all this and she went into a panic, told me I was experiencing currant jelly stool and referred me to a colorectal/general surgeon for a colonoscopy. I met with him in July and we set a date for a colonoscopy, August 10th.
That was when I began really looking back and admitted I did have other symptoms. I had been having more and more frequent issues with bowel movements. I was once very regular with no issues at all but began noticing changes a couple of years ago. The odor had changed drastically and for about the last six months before my colonoscopy I had a lot of trouble with very sudden urges and cramping. I was nervous to leave the house at times because of the suddenness. I would also go from very loose to very constipated all the time. I never knew what to expect almost daily. I had also had bad bloating for about 2 years.
I awoke from my procedure on August 10th with my doc telling me it was a good thing I had come to see him. He had found multiple polyps and two were large. He removed four. I had my lab results a week later. One small (.5 cm) Tubular adenoma in the cecum. One small (.3 cm) tubular adenoma in the ascending colon and two large ( largest 3cm) in the sigmoid colon. The two largest were removed piecemeal with results of the fragments showing tubulovillous and villoglandular with high grade dysplasia in some fragments. I'm not really happy with the quality of this lab report. There's very little detail.
My doc stated I am now considered at high risk for colon cancer and he's performing a second colonoscopy next week. Just three months since the first. From the reading I've done the typical procedure is repeat in 6 - 12 months?? So, I'm wondering why again so soon. What will he be looking for? I didn't ask any questions at my first follow up with him. I didn't know what to ask. I wish I had asked how it's possible for the polyps to cause so much bleeding and clots. I would sometimes pass just mucus too.
At the end of July I had purchased a 23andMe kit for myself for my birthday. I had always wanted to do that. I tested positive for one of the two variants they test for MUTYH. From what I've read that means I'm just a carrier but I'm wondering if this warrants a closer look??
The bleeding has stopped completely since the removal of the polyps and my digestive issues are better. The bloating is gone as well. I guess I'm hoping that with the absence of my symptoms that means something positive. Should I still be concerned though?
Thank you for reading!