beach sunrise wrote:Sorry you have lung nodules. I have been in your shoes.
The Lung Hospital in Germany is something to consider. I contacted Dr. Kern and sent all scans so far and rad readings hoping I would be a candidate for Rolles surgery. Reply from Dr. Kern was a yes he could do it. He is so nice and has skills to get mets in hard places like 2 of mine were.
Cost in 2023 for just surgery (both lungs) was $35,000. A room for almost 3 months at a villa with air conditioning (haha) was $6,000. I think plane ticket (1st class) was around $4,000 round trip. Food I really have no idea, I cooked in my room which had a kitchen. Taxis were expensive!
Zepher has some good advice and things to think about when considering Rolles surgery on my post from Sept "CT Scan" you might want to read.
Good luck and let us know what you decide.
beach sunrise wrote:I had 4 nodules removed measuring anywhere from 5mm to 7mm. Only 3 were cancer mets, one was a macrophage, M1.
Yes, I forgot the conversion for surgery cost. The surgery was $35,000 euros but in US dollars it converts to a few thousand more USA dollars. It was 17,000 euros per lung. I had 75g IVC administered 12 hrs after surgery then 2 more infusions before released on the 4th day. I believe IVC is why I did so well with no complications. Wait time between the 2 surgeries was 3 weeks. Discharge to fly home after second surgery was 2 or 3 weeks.
It is open surgery, so invasive but you retain your lungs (a big deal to me). Dr. Kern feels for any nodules down to the size of a grain of sand on every inch of your lungs. The sand grain size I have no idea. Didn't think to ask.
There is a German flight booking company called ABC something, can't remember but I posted it on one of my responses here on the forum. The company is much cheaper for flying than American booking businesses. I didn't know about them until I got home and German friends told me about it. That is how they fly to Germany and back. Who knew!
Pagola44 wrote:What Was your original staging?
sailor604 wrote: Why did you choose Germany versus being treated in the USA?
beach sunrise wrote:For me the 3 week gap was good. I sailed through both surgeries, no complications.
Here in the USA 2 consults with lung surgeons. One wanted to use heavy chemo "and see what happens", Uhmmm no I am not an experiment. I said I was going to contact Germany. His reply was "medical tourism is dangerous." My response was "I'm sure other countries tell their patients the same thing." 2nd consult with a different lung surgeon was all about taking out the RML because the met was on a bronchial tube then do heavy chemo. Uhmm no thanks. With laser lung surgery it preserves your lungs. So, it was a good decision that I contacted Germany instead of taking USA SOC treatment here and still have my lungs.
beach sunrise wrote:Hey Sailor, any updates yet?
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