New diagnosis

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New diagnosis

Postby Maggie2018 » Wed Oct 09, 2024 9:18 pm

Hi everyone. I am 70 y/o female and was diagnosed 5 days ago with a 3 cm. Adenocarcinoma of transverse colon during colonoscopy. No staging yet…first appointment with oncologist next Monday. I had an Adenomas polyp removed during colonoscopy three years ago.
What imaging studies or other testing are done to determine staging?
Appreciate any information…this still feels unreal!

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Re: New diagnosis

Postby roadrunner » Thu Oct 10, 2024 8:51 pm


First off, sorry you got that finding. It’s definitely unsettling, and can be scary. However, with luck, this will just be a speed bump for you. It’s been a while since my diagnosis, and others will likely be able to provide more comprehensive information, but mine was staged initially through a whole-body PET-CT scan. This allows reasonable staging of the tumor itself and also checks for distant metastases, which are the most critical issue. That was how they did it in my case, at least. I suspect the process varies by country/health system, tho.

I wish you the best of luck with this!
7/19: RC: Staged IIIA, T2N1M0
approx 4.25 cm, low/mid rectum, mod. well diff.; lung micronodule
8/19-10/19 4 rds.FOLFOX neoadjuvant, 3 w/Oxiplatin (reduced 70-75%)
neoadjuvant chemorad 11/19
4 rounds FOLFOX July-August 2020
ncCR 10/20; biopsies neg
TAE 11/20
Chest CT 3/30/21 growth 2 nodules (3 and 5mm)
VATS 12/8/21 sub-pleural met 7mm.
SBRT nodule 1/22
6/20/22 TAE rectal polyp)
NED from 3/22 - 3/23
4 cycles FOLFIRI
LUL VATS lobectomy 7/7/23
5 cycles FOLFOX
APR 6/24. NED for now

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