Mesentery Met?

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Mesentery Met?

Postby crikklekay » Tue Sep 17, 2024 4:54 pm

I'm back after two years, with not great news. My husband had sudden onset severe anemia so we've spent the last few months trying to figure out where the bleed is located. The last test was a pill cam to look at the small intestine and it got stuck. He even landed in the hospital with a bowel obstruction. He had surgery to remove the pill cam and the cause of both the pill cam being stuck and the obstruction was a mesenteric mass which is stuck to his small intestine. We just talked to the surgeon today during his followup, and she said because of where it is in the mesentery it isn't resectable. We meet with the oncologist tomorrow and I'm terrified. I didn't even know what the mesentery was until the surgery a couple of weeks ago. I haven't googled anything because if I read anything about poor outcomes I'm going to fall apart.

I thought I'd reach out, has anyone else had it spread to the mesentery? What sort of treatment do you do for that kind of met? Is there anything I should ask or mention during the appointment tomorrow?
Caring for DH John
Stage IIIC, Lymph nodes: 6/22
12/17 ER and emergency surgery
02/18 Hospital w/MSSA infected port, PICC line inserted, scan showed septic emboli & blood clots
03/18 Hospital w/CDIFF
08/18 CT Scan Clear, NEMD
2021 PET & MRI show 1 spot on liver
08/21 Liver surgery to remove spot, now Stage IV
09/21 Start Folfiri + Avastin
03/22 CEA Rise, more chemo
06/22 Scans show NED, on maintenance Avastin
09/24 Mesenteric mass found
02/25 Failed surgery and starting Lonsurf

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