Hi all,
I am suffering from osteoarthritis in my left knee... I am seeking treatment and a traumatologist suggested the use of Platelet rich plasma and stem cells implants as viable treatments.
Does anyone here have experience/knowledge/papers/opinion on the use of platelet rich plasma or stem cell implant treatment for arthrosis in patients with colorectal cancer history?
The procedure basically implies taking bone marrow from your hip and implanting it in your knee. There the bone marrow cells release growth factors to repaire your damaged cartilage.
My traumatologist assures me there is no risk if the cancer is "in remission", I searched papers and no risk is apparent, but the follow up is not that long. Also there is no information of how many of the patients have cancer history.
For instance: International Orthopaedics (SICOT)
DOI 10.1007/s00264-016-3162-y
"Results A total of 3012 procedures were performed on 2372 patients with follow-up period of 2.2 years. A total of 325 adverse events were reported. The majority were pain postprocedure (n = 93, 3.9 % of the study population) and pain due to progressive degenerative joint disease (n = 90, 3.8 % of the study population). Seven cases reported neoplasms, a lower rate than in the general population. The lowest rate of adverse events was observed among patients injected with BMC (bone marrow concentrate) alone.
Conclusion Lowest rate of adverse events was among those patients receiving BMC injections alone, but the higher rate of adverse events for BMC plus adipose and cultured cells was readily explained by the nature of the therapy or the longer followup. There was no clinical evidence to suggest that treatment with MSCs of any type in this study increased the risk of neoplasm.