Beans beneficial for patients with history of colorectal neoplasia (One cup of navy beans a day)

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Beans beneficial for patients with history of colorectal neoplasia (One cup of navy beans a day)

Postby CoolHandLuke8723 » Sun Jan 07, 2024 12:24 pm

" . . . Xiaotao Zhang, M.D., Ph.D. and colleagues conducted a low-risk, noninvasive dietary intervention targeting the gut microbiota of obese surveillance patients with a history of colorectal neoplasia. After a four-week equilibrium, 55 patients were randomly assigned to continue their usual diet without beans or to add a daily cup of study beans to their usual diet, with immediate crossover at eight weeks.

The researchers found that 87 percent of patients completed the 16-week trial, which demonstrated an increase in diversity and shifts in multiple bacteria indicative of prebiotic efficacy on intervention, including increased Faecalibacterium, Eubacterium, and Bifidobacterium.

"Adding one cup of navy beans to the diet on all or most days of the week was a safe, scalable dietary strategy to modulate the gut microbiome of high-risk patients, who may be unwilling or unable to sustain more dramatic changes to their usual dietary pattern without substantial support," the authors wrote . . . " ... ectal.html

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