LARS. Any tips?

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Re: LARS. Any tips?

Postby taexali » Sun Feb 04, 2024 5:59 pm

For males 60+ with LARS here’s what I did:

Cut back on food and reduce it to the absolute minimum to survive.

If that fixes it, then slowly add back foodstuffs gradually to find the food that causes LARS problems and simply avoid eating it.

I cannot overeat no matter what my diet is: I must always be slightly hungry.

To disobey and even slightly overeat is taking a risk: welcome to the latrine!

If cutting back doesn’t fix the problem, and you end up living on Ensures, or an equivalent nutritional drink, then you’ll have to talk to a gastroenterologist.

I feel you pain.
Male 78 yrs.
DX 7/11/2007 at age 61 with Stage IVa Rectal with mets to lung
8/2007 to 9/2007 Chemo (Fufa?) & Radiation
12/2007 LAR + Colonic J-Pouch + Ileo
1/2008 to 9/2008 Chemo (Oxaliplatin) 15 Sessions!
11/2008 Ileo reversal
5/2009 Left lower lobectomy, with two(?) lymph nodes removed.
11/2024 Still NED
01/21 to present: Skin Cancer- ugh!

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Re: LARS. Any tips?

Postby sfok09 » Sun Nov 10, 2024 6:18 pm

Can I ask how a bidet give enema? Does it get water into the rectum/ colon? I thought bidet only irrigates the outside surface of the rectum...

claudine wrote:Hi Bianca, I hope you had a great time in France! It's now been a year since DH's reversal, so what it is is likely to be what it will be.
He's eating and drinking what he wants, because food and wine are such a joy for him, and there doesn't seem to be anything specific that will trigger bad episodes. If you don't already have one, I would HIGHLY recommend a bidet. We installed a rather fancy one and DH can do warm water enemas daily; it's been working really well for him.
Another thing: his rectal surgeon recommended that he takes 20-25mg of soluble fibers daily, so for months, DH gobbled Metamucil gummies. But while we were in France this summer, he reached a point where he just couldn't fathom eating one more, so he completely stopped, and... His LARS suddenly got way better! He's always got Imodium with him, just in case, but overall I'd say he's able to live a fairly normal life, and people who do not pay close attention don't notice anything :)

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