The Four Pillars of Colon Club (2019)

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O Stoma Mia
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The Four Pillars of Colon Club (2019)

Postby O Stoma Mia » Sun May 14, 2023 11:07 pm

    We have 4 pillars:
    1. Colon Talk: Our online support group is the only one of it's kind. This is where survivors, fighters, caregivers, family and friends can get the support and advice that they need in a safe and nurturing environment.

    2. The Kimberly Fund: We give out grants established to provide selected applicants the opportunity to take a vacation with their parent, purchase a toy or game, have an experience they weren't able to have due to their parent's colorectal cancer.

    3. On The Rise: This is our colorectal cancer resource magazine. It includes the profiles of 12-13 folks who are either colorectal cancer (CRC) survivors or caregivers and their amazing stories. It also includes patient resources, information about how to advocate for CRC, and articles written by experts in the cancer/oncology field.

    4. Colon Blog: We post 2-4 blog entries each month that address current issues in CRC. Experts, survivors, caregivers, family and friends are invited to contribute to our blog to help educate the general public and to inform those in the fight.

Source: (2019)

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