That’s a very accurate description Roadrunner !

Never worried much about cancer but did about her family and hated osteoporosis !
We should have paid more attention to her bone density .
We only use chemo for visible disease here , so only every had 12 cycles of chemo to get on top of her liver spread way back . Then ten months of a biological agent last year when she recurred in her mediastinal Lymph nodes and one lung met .
She had a great response and the lymph nodes disappeared and the lung node went right down .
A scan two weeks before she died showed an extensive spread , too many to count .
How she contained that level of microdisease is a mystery .
She had a good immune system . Looked after her gut biome . Ate fruit and nuts for breakfast but had a good appetite. Liked to be out and about and continued that right up to the week before she died .
Her tumour sample is being tested as part of a longevity study . There was a lot of questions about her diet , her approach to life . The focus seemed to be on the role of T cells .
A dr told her it would be good to add in pomegranate seeds when on a her biological treatment as it had a role to play with the gut absorption. She did as recommended and the oncologist told her she had great results but wanted to go back and speak with the radiologist as she was not convinced they could be real ! However we had seen this way back when she was on chemo .
What causes the shift in either direction who knows but I do hope some scientists is working on it .
She stayed connected to life and family to the end . I class that as a win !
I wish you all every success going forward !