***News Stories Thread*** ONGOING Updated >>> 2023 November <<<

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***News Stories Thread*** ONGOING Updated >>> 2023 November <<<

Postby CRguy » Fri Jan 01, 2021 4:14 pm

To continue a great ColonTalk tradition ....... the 2021 NEWS topic !!!!!
AND in the words of the News Topic founder garbovatwin I will start things with the original intro from each year !!!!
Countdown to the Ongoing News Thread has begun.
May all YOUR news be GOOD.

For many of us, be it due to our busy schedules or our demanding treatment and surgeries, we can so easily miss out on a story that we could have/should have seen.

So, here you have it, an ONGOING News Thread where everyone can and probably should consider posting any news stories they deem important, RATHER than adding them to the general support topic thread, where they will clutter up and at times bury important posts for advice and support from fellow CRC members and family.

Please try to post THE LINK TO THE NEWS STORY ONLY to avoid any issues with re-posting copyrighted material.

Just click on the POST REPLY BUTTON
PASTE the link in the body of the post
PASTE the title in SUBJECT box

Good health and happiness to all.


Yet again, we thank you for all your work in keeping us up to date with recent events !
We have made this topic a "sticky" to keep it where everyone will know where to find it.

Once the year ends, we let the old News Topic float back down the page.
Previous ONGOING News Topics can be found here 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010

ALL Members please note that although garbovatwin has authored much of this topic... it is definitely for all members to use, so please keep it active, as instructed in the previous posting.

Best wishes to everyone for 2021



The following sites have proven to be reliable resources for cancer related information, much of which has appeared in this very topic !
Many of them will have "opt in" free account options so you may receive emails of any new releases or updates.
Some may have paid subscription options which members here need to review, if they need a more in depth focus.
( i.e. you can get the abstract from scientific papers with a free login BUTT need to pay to receive the whole article or publication.)

disclaimer : I use many of these sites regularly and receive their updates so I offer these links to share with ColonTalk members for their own specific needs and interests. I still think THIS forum = ColonTalk is the best general resource for anyone having to deal with the CRC Journey.
Members need to assess whether these links are suitable for their own purposes and can let us know if you have any problems with content or functionality.
















Health Canada - recalls and alerts











Caregiver x 5
Stage IV A rectal cancer/lung met
18 Year survivor
my life is an ongoing totally randomized UNcontrolled experiment with N=1 !
Review of my Journey so far

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Pivotal moment as Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine rollout begins Monday, January 4, 2021

Postby Jacques » Mon Jan 04, 2021 3:06 am


Pivotal moment as Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine rollout begins Monday, January 4, 2021
The first doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca coronavirus jab are to be given as the UK accelerates its vaccine programme to tackle a surge in cases.

COVID-19 Vaccine rollout, by state, by province, by country

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COVID related information

Postby CRguy » Sun Jan 10, 2021 1:31 pm

This contains a full state by state listing
How do COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna differ? How, when and where do I get the COVID-19 vaccine?
As each state in the U.S. is in charge of its own vaccine roll out, we've put together the following table to help you get information on what's happening in your state:
Who Can Get Vaccinated Against COVID-19 and Where — By State

Do any supplements help with the coronavirus (COVID-19)? Do supplements like vitamin D, zinc, vitamin C, or herbals work?
Many supplements and natural or other alternative treatments are being promoted to prevent or treat coronavirus (COVID-19). None have been proven to work, but some have potential benefit. Here's what you need to know, and we've grouped these approaches in the following categories:
Caregiver x 5
Stage IV A rectal cancer/lung met
18 Year survivor
my life is an ongoing totally randomized UNcontrolled experiment with N=1 !
Review of my Journey so far

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Patients With MSI-H/dMMR mCRC Saw Improvement in PFS, HRQoL with Pembrolizumab Monotherapy

Postby Beckster » Sat Jan 30, 2021 6:40 am

When compared with chemotherapy, patients with microsatellite-instability high/mismatch repair deficient metastatic colorectal cancer saw significant improvement in progression-free survival with the frontline use of pembrolizumab monotherapy, while demonstrating superior safety.

https://www.cancernetwork.com/view/pati ... FpbC5jb20=
DX:(CC) 10/19/16
11/4/16- Lap right hemi(cecum)
CEA- Pre Op (1.9), Pre Chemo (2.5)
Type: Adenocarcinoma
Tumor size:3.5 cm x 2.5 x 0.7 cm
Grade: G3
LN: 0/24
LVI present
Surgical margins: clear
12/27/2016 - Capeox, anaphylactic
1/2/17 to 6/9/17- Xeloda
6/17,12/17,6/18,12/18,6/19,12/19,12/20,12/21 CT Scan NED :D
CEA- 6/17- 3.6, 9/17- 2.8 12/17-2.8, 3/18-3.1, 6/18-3.0, 9/18 2.8, 12/18 2.5 3/19 3.1 6/19 3.1 9/19 2.6 12/19 2.8 6/20 3.0 12/20 2.7 6/21 2.9,[color=#000000]12/21 2.7[/color]
Clear Colonoscopy 10/17, 11/19,11/21 :D

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KRAS G12C Mutation—Amgen scientists working to challenge this mutation

Postby Soccermom2boys » Sun Jan 31, 2021 10:05 pm

Check out this article from USA TODAY:

Amgen scientists’ rapid work to challenge the undruggable KRAS G12C mutation in cancer

https://www.usatoday.com/story/sponsor- ... 656349002/

Came across this as I was reading USA Today online and I know from so many posts on here how KRAS mutation is a common foe. Hopefully help is on the way!
8/3/15 Went in with a hemorrhoid, came out with a tumor
8/12/15 Biopsy from colonoscopy confirms RC (45 yrs old--zero family history!)
9/21 - 10/29/15 chemorad 28 tx (with Xeloda)
12/17/15 APR with perm colostomy
Pathology report stages me as IIIA (T2N1M0)--1/15 LN detects cancer
2/3/16 chemo port inserted
2/8-6/2/16 8 rounds of Folfox

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How Scientists Shot Down Cancer’s “Death Star”

Postby Soccermom2boys » Sat Feb 06, 2021 11:39 am


Another article on the efforts to fight against the KRAS mutation
8/3/15 Went in with a hemorrhoid, came out with a tumor
8/12/15 Biopsy from colonoscopy confirms RC (45 yrs old--zero family history!)
9/21 - 10/29/15 chemorad 28 tx (with Xeloda)
12/17/15 APR with perm colostomy
Pathology report stages me as IIIA (T2N1M0)--1/15 LN detects cancer
2/3/16 chemo port inserted
2/8-6/2/16 8 rounds of Folfox

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Pandemic means young people face cancer treatment alone

Postby JJH » Wed Feb 10, 2021 7:20 am

Pandemic means young people face cancer treatment alone
"The darkest hour is just before the dawn" - Thomas Fuller (1650)

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Green Tea
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Delayed due to COVID-19, cancer screenings slow to resume

Postby Green Tea » Sat Mar 06, 2021 9:55 am

Delayed due to COVID-19, cancer screenings slow to resume
Thousands of routine cancer screenings... were delayed during the early months of the pandemic and it isn't clear yet how long it will take the healthcare system to catch up.


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Narrow Band Imaging Earns FDA Clearance for Real-Time Assessment of Colorectal Polyps With Neoplastic Potential

Postby Beckster » Sat Mar 20, 2021 8:18 am

A novel imaging technology was cleared by the FDA to detect polyps with neoplastic potential during conduct of colonoscopy that aligns with pathological assessment with greater than 90% predictive ability.

https://www.cancernetwork.com/view/narr ... FpbC5jb20=
DX:(CC) 10/19/16
11/4/16- Lap right hemi(cecum)
CEA- Pre Op (1.9), Pre Chemo (2.5)
Type: Adenocarcinoma
Tumor size:3.5 cm x 2.5 x 0.7 cm
Grade: G3
LN: 0/24
LVI present
Surgical margins: clear
12/27/2016 - Capeox, anaphylactic
1/2/17 to 6/9/17- Xeloda
6/17,12/17,6/18,12/18,6/19,12/19,12/20,12/21 CT Scan NED :D
CEA- 6/17- 3.6, 9/17- 2.8 12/17-2.8, 3/18-3.1, 6/18-3.0, 9/18 2.8, 12/18 2.5 3/19 3.1 6/19 3.1 9/19 2.6 12/19 2.8 6/20 3.0 12/20 2.7 6/21 2.9,[color=#000000]12/21 2.7[/color]
Clear Colonoscopy 10/17, 11/19,11/21 :D

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Maggie Nell
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Re: ***News Stories Thread*** ONGOING 2021

Postby Maggie Nell » Tue Mar 30, 2021 1:49 pm

So when it comes to keeping people alive who gets all the credit?

The heart . . . pump, pump, pump, pump.

What else does it do? Nothing.

I'll tell you what I do.

I take the trash out . . . every day . . . sometimes twice.

And what's the cherry on top of the crap sundae that's my life?

DX April 2015, @ 54
35mm poorly diff. tumour, incidental finding following emergency R. hemicolectomy
for ileo-colic intussusception.
Lymph nodes: 0/22
T3 N0 MX
Stage II CRC, no adjuvant chemo required.

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Maggie Nell
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Re: ***News Stories Thread*** ONGOING 2021

Postby Maggie Nell » Mon Apr 12, 2021 1:06 pm

Lovely story about a 20 year survivor who lives in my neck of the woods.

For years, Shelby Sherritt was known as the “cancer girl”.

“All my friends were like ‘Oh, she’s going through treatments’ or ‘That’s the girl from high school that got cancer’,” she says.

“For so long I thought that my narrative was going to be ‘the 20-year-old cancer survivor’, that’s who she is.”

Sherritt had been featured in videos about young people going through cancer, she had written about her story, and she always assumed if she became well known it would be for that.

Now hundreds of thousands of people are following her online, but much to her surprise it has nothing to do with cancer. Instead, Sherritt has become internet famous for reviving the 70s craze of slip casting pottery.

https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesig ... ddDkWYZdso
DX April 2015, @ 54
35mm poorly diff. tumour, incidental finding following emergency R. hemicolectomy
for ileo-colic intussusception.
Lymph nodes: 0/22
T3 N0 MX
Stage II CRC, no adjuvant chemo required.

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Green Tea
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Management of Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer During The COVID-19 Pandemic: A Necessary Paradigm Change at MSKCC

Postby Green Tea » Sat Apr 17, 2021 11:23 pm

Management of Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer During The COVID-19 Pandemic: A Necessary Paradigm Change at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

The COVID-19 pandemic will consume significant health care resources. Given the concerns for rapidly increasing infection rates in the United States, impending staffing shortages, and the potential for resource reallocation, we rapidly reevaluated our rectal cancer practice policies during this public health emergency. Before the pandemic, we commonly used total neoadjuvant therapy with a strong preference for long-course chemoradiation. In the setting of the ongoing pandemic, we now mandate short-course radiation therapy (SCRT). Despite multiple randomized trials demonstrating no difference in locoregional recurrence, distant recurrence, or overall survival between SCRT and long-course chemoradiation, the adaptation of SCRT in the United States has been low given concerns for less tumor downstaging and increased toxicity. In the setting of the ongoing and likely prolonged COVID-19 pandemic, we feel that these concerns must be reevaluated, because SCRT presents a well-validated alternative that will allow us to meet the needs of a greater number of potentially curable patients at a time when resources are severely and acutely constrained.

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Dietary Supplement Use During Chemotherapy and Survival Outcomes

Postby CRguy » Thu May 06, 2021 2:34 pm

Dietary Supplement Use During Chemotherapy and Survival Outcomes of Patients With Breast Cancer Enrolled in a Cooperative Group Clinical Trial (SWOG S0221)


Despite reported widespread use of dietary supplements during cancer treatment, few empirical data with regard to their safety or efficacy exist. Because of concerns that some supplements, particularly antioxidants, could reduce the cytotoxicity of chemotherapy, we conducted a prospective study ancillary to a therapeutic trial to evaluate associations between supplement use and breast cancer outcomes.

Patients with breast cancer randomly assigned to an intergroup metronomic trial of cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, and paclitaxel were queried on their use of supplements at registration and during treatment (n =1,134). Cox proportional hazards regression adjusting for clinical and lifestyle variables was used. Recurrence and survival were indexed at 6 months after enrollment using a landmark approach.

There were indications that use of any antioxidant supplement (vitamins A, C, and E; carotenoids; coenzyme Q10) both before and during treatment was associated with an increased hazard of recurrence (adjusted hazard ratio [adjHR], 1.41; 95% CI, 0.98 to 2.04; P = .06) and, to a lesser extent, death (adjHR, 1.40; 95% CI, 0.90 to 2.18; P = .14). Relationships with individual antioxidants were weaker perhaps because of small numbers. For nonantioxidants, vitamin B12 use both before and during chemotherapy was significantly associated with poorer disease-free survival (adjHR, 1.83; 95% CI, 1.15 to 2.92; P < .01) and overall survival (adjHR, 2.04; 95% CI, 1.22 to 3.40; P < .01). Use of iron during chemotherapy was significantly associated with recurrence (adjHR, 1.79; 95% CI, 1.20 to 2.67; P < .01) as was use both before and during treatment (adjHR, 1.91; 95% CI, 0.98 to 3.70; P = .06). Results were similar for overall survival. Multivitamin use was not associated with survival outcomes.

Associations between survival outcomes and use of antioxidant and other dietary supplements both before and during chemotherapy are consistent with recommendations for caution among patients when considering the use of supplements, other than a multivitamin, during chemotherapy.

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Re: Colondar model Candace Henley in the news

Postby Green Tea » Thu May 20, 2021 11:48 am


    ''I Suffered From Strange GI Symptoms For Years Until I Was Finally Diagnosed With Colon Cancer At 35'
    Here's what I want the Black community to know.

    Candace Henley, Colondar Model, Miss June 2010

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New Anti-Cancer Botanical Combination: Modified citrus pectin (MCP) and Honokiol extract

Postby Green Tea » Sun May 23, 2021 3:39 am

Patent Awarded for New Anti-Cancer Botanical Combination

USPTO awards patent for combination use of modified citrus pectin (MCP) and Honokiol extract, with potential to inhibit growth of numerous types of cancer

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