Jacques wrote:Phuong, congratulations on your new position! I know you'll do a great job.
I have two questions for you.
(1.) In your capacity as Colon Club president, could you do something about fixing up the out-of-date pages on the website? For example, the page on Board of Directors doesn't have several of the recently appointed Board Members.
(2.) Could you do something about specifying how many officers the club currently has, what their various responsibilities are, and who the current office-holders are? For example, President; Executive V.P.; V.P. in Charge of Communications; Blog Master; Kimberly Fund Manager; etc., etc. It's not very clear who does what on the Club's management team. Also, who is in charge of the annual "On the Rise" Featured Survivors/Caregivers program? Who is editor of the "On the Rise" magazine? It's not clear.
Thank you
Hey Jacques,
We are in the process of making some very exciting (but currently behind the scenes) changes to our website, so please hang tight. I promise that when we are ready for the reveal, we will announce it here!