Hello everyone, over the last 7 years I have been suffering from mild to severe nausea. Usually the symptoms are the worst in the morning right after waking up. I immediately feel I am extremely nauseous. I also vomit when nausea gets really strong 2-3 times a month.
I can feel quite clearly my transverse colon in my abdomen. It feels tight/spastic? and it has been like that the whole time 7 years. I can palpate horizontal big mass above my navel. I can palpate it and when I tight my abdomen muscles or bend forward I can feel there is an obstruction right where my transverse colon is. I feel discomfort, no pain. The same feeling I have with where my Cecum colon is located. Again I can palpate big soft mass, no pain.
My nausea is just horrible, some days I can´t eat nor speak how nauseous I am for few hours. Other days I do not feel nauseous at all, yet still feel my transverse colon as a firm obstructing mass above my navel. I did not feel my colon at all before my nausea started. I believe those symptoms are connected and that my colon might be the cause of my nausea.
I am hoping it is ok to ask here as I believe there might be people who might be able to help me more than my GP who says that I am ok.
Thank you all for reading. Every help, suggestion or hint of what might be the cause of my nausea is greatly appreciated.
(I apologize for my English as I am not native.)