22 years old and scared to death

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22 years old and scared to death

Postby Mostu » Mon Dec 04, 2017 8:04 am

Hello there everyone. First of all - let me apologize for even creating this thread since I'm not diagnozed yet.

So basically - a week ago(Monday) I had a slight diarrhea, type 6 on the bristol scale. I blamed it on stress, since the week was pretty stressful for me in terms of school, work, dentist appointment etc. I always had stomach aches and mild diarrheas when stressed so yeah, didn't really pay much attention to that. On Tuesday I bought some over the counter pills to calm down the diarrhea, and they actually improved the stool consistency and I only defecated once a day till Friday. Mind you, on Friday evening my stool was good and proper like it always was before.

Then Saturday came. I woke up and had to go poo, so I went. I didn't have a diarrhea and the stool passed normally, however I felt some liquid dripping from my behind, I looked in the bowl and saw A LOT of blood. This never ever happened to me before. Here's a pic I took of it: https://i.imgur.com/Fn3hhs5.jpg

So I went to the ER, doctor gave me a per rectum and felt nothing unusual. They took a blood sample for testing and I waited there 2 hours for the results. My hemoglobin levels were good so no anemia. Anyways, the doc told me to go to my main doctor, so she can give me a colonoscopy paper (sorry I'm from Europe I hope you get what I mean) so I went today. She gave me the paper and I need to go with it to the hospital, where they'll set up the date of colonoscopy. She wrote Urgent on the paper so they do it faster.

Anyways, I'm stressed. Like not leaving bed stressed. I've read a lot of stories, compared my symptoms etc but I can't really clear my mind. I don't feel any pain, every stool after the bloody one was proper as in size, colour and girth, also there was no blood ever since the Saturday bleeding. I really hope that it's hemoroids or a polyp or basically anything else that's not cancer. Everyone tells me to chill and wait for the colonoscopy but I'm a pessimistic person and I feel like I'm going to hear the bad news soon. I've got no idea if a single bleeding can indicate cancer but hopefully not. Thank you for reading!
Last edited by Mostu on Mon Dec 04, 2017 5:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 22 years old and scared to death

Postby ccmc » Mon Dec 04, 2017 4:55 pm

Welcome to the forum.
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Re: 22 years old and scared to death

Postby NHMike » Mon Dec 04, 2017 5:12 pm

I'm also a pessimist and slightly neurotic so I can understand your worry. There could be a number of things that could cause this as you know and colorectal cancer is rather uncommon at your age. So, pragmatically speaking, there's nothing that you can really do about it whatever it is until you get it diagnosed so worrying about it doesn't help. Of course we've all been through that here because we either have or had cancer or have loved ones that have or had cancer. So we know that we shouldn't worry about problems that we potentially don't have but it's hard not to worry.

There are folks that post here that have an issue similar to yours, then get the colonoscopy, and find out that it isn't cancer and then move on to get it fixed. I'd guess that you could find a few of those threads with a little work and that reading such a thread might make you feel better.

If it is cancer (which I don't think it is), then it's likely treatable. And lots of us here are undergoing such treatment right now.
6/17: ER rectal bleeding; Colonoscopy
7/17: 3B rectal. T3N1bM0. 5.2 4.5 4.3 cm. Lymphs: 6 x 4 mm, 8 x 6, 5 x 5
7/17-9/17: Xeloda radiation
7/5: CEA 2.7; 8/16: 1.9; 11/30: 0.6; 12/20 1.4; 1/10 1.8; 1/31 2.2; 2/28 2.6; 4/10 2.8; 5/1 2.8; 5/29 3.2; 7/13 4.5; 8/9 2.8, 2/12 1.2
10/17: 2.7 2.2 1.6 cm (-90%). Lymphs: 3 x 3 mm (-62.5%), 4 x 3 (-75%), 5 x 3 (-40%). 5.1 CM from AV
10/17: LAR, Temp Ileostomy, Path Complete Response
CapeOx (8) 12/17-6/18
7/18: Reversal, Port Removal
2/19: Clean CT

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Re: 22 years old and scared to death

Postby Pemba » Mon Dec 04, 2017 5:15 pm

I can see the picture perfectly!

It’s so great the hospital is taking it seriously and your getting the colonoscopy ASAP. I would guess it’s a bursted hemoried, because of the fresh red colour and the amount. I had a benign polyp and my blood was mixed with mucus on top of my stool. My friend once called me from the toilet in tears because there was blood all over, she was 18 at the time and had a hemorid.

It actually could be a hundred things beside cancer, side effects of the medication etc.

I hope things move fast so you can get the results and hopefully relax in time for Christmas!
Age: 26
2017: 15mm Tubulovillous adenoma- Low grade dysplasi.
Next scopy: original 2020 probably 2018-19

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Re: 22 years old and scared to death

Postby Beckster » Mon Dec 04, 2017 5:36 pm

I understand your concern....just a suggestion...it might be a hemorrhoid or fissure. My son, same age as you, had fissures. When it broke open, he would have blood, like your picture, in the toilet. I think it is a good idea to get check out to be on the safe side. I doubt that it is serious.
DX:(CC) 10/19/16
11/4/16- Lap right hemi(cecum)
CEA- Pre Op (1.9), Pre Chemo (2.5)
Type: Adenocarcinoma
Tumor size:3.5 cm x 2.5 x 0.7 cm
Grade: G3
LN: 0/24
LVI present
Surgical margins: clear
12/27/2016 - Capeox, anaphylactic
1/2/17 to 6/9/17- Xeloda
6/17,12/17,6/18,12/18,6/19,12/19,12/20,12/21 CT Scan NED :D
CEA- 6/17- 3.6, 9/17- 2.8 12/17-2.8, 3/18-3.1, 6/18-3.0, 9/18 2.8, 12/18 2.5 3/19 3.1 6/19 3.1 9/19 2.6 12/19 2.8 6/20 3.0 12/20 2.7 6/21 2.9,[color=#000000]12/21 2.7[/color]
Clear Colonoscopy 10/17, 11/19,11/21 :D

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Re: 22 years old and scared to death

Postby Lee » Mon Dec 04, 2017 7:18 pm

Please try and remember, cancer is JUST ONE POSSIBILITY out of many.

Many years ago, my mother ended up in the ER with serious stomach pain and rectal bleeding. Dr was sure she had colon cancer. Colonoscopy was to prove it. She did not have cancer, not even one polyp, just a bad case of diverticulosis.

Many years later, I had bleeding hemorrhoids, Dr confirmed it. Every test that should have been a red flag for colon cancer came back negative or normal. Dr figured my bleeding hemorrhoids would be my excuse for getting my baseline colonoscopy early in life. That colonoscopy saved my life. My signature line tells my story. Butt know, I had no pain.

When I was a teacher, one of my students was getting scoped due to exploding diarrhea and blood. He was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease.

Glad you are getting it checked out, butt try not to worry.

rectal cancer - April 2004
46 yrs old at diagnoses
stage III C - 6/13 lymph positive
radiation - 6 weeks
surgery - August 2004/hernia repair 2014
permanent colostomy
chemo - FOLFOX
NED - 16 years and counting!

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Re: 22 years old and scared to death

Postby Mostu » Tue Dec 05, 2017 9:22 am

Thank you for your replies, they mean a lot to me.

The healthcare in my country is a joke... Yesterday I went to the hospital, but the registration booth was closed so I went today. The nurse said that I'll need to wait for a doctor because my primary doctor wrote Urgent on the paper so I had to speak with the doctor in the hospital. After waiting an hour I went in, he asked me what's the problem, I told him and showed him the photo. He said that unfortunately they can't do the colonoscopy in an urgent mode, because of two reasons - first one is that the queues are so long that they simply can't fit me anywhere soon, and if I want to book a colonoscopy the normal way I'll need to wait till February/March. He told me to go to my primary doctor once again and figure it out with her because there's nothing they can do here. The second reason he gave is that I'm young, that this was probably a hemmorroid or a fissure and that's not urgent, and that the colonoscopy can do more harm than good, because I'm young and my colon isn't as strong as it should be yet, and it may get perforated during the scope. I've read too many stories about people who were told to not worry and then when they actually went for the scope, they had cancer or something. So yeah, I called my surgeon uncle who said that in the evening he'll call me back and tell me the date I can have the scope in his hospital. It's 2 hours away by train but I prefer to get it checked asap instead of waiting till February.

I'm still kind of stressed. Things that ease my mind are your responses and stuff I read online, like the facts that cancer bleedings are rather small, not like mine, and that they don't only bleed once, but are chronic. So far I only had one bleeding and no other symptoms (maybe besides lack of appetite and little stomach discomforts in different areas, but I'm 99% sure that it's due to stress) so I'm trying to keep my cool and just wait for the scope. I'll keep updating the thread.

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Re: 22 years old and scared to death

Postby heiders33 » Tue Dec 05, 2017 11:35 am

Yes, that's true about the chronic bleeding. I had regular blood in the stool, got treated for internal hemorrhoids, was told I didn't need a colonoscopy, the bleeding continued, and finally I pushed for one nine months after the bleeding started. I also had irregular and frequent bowel movements. You are right to push for a colonoscopy, although I'd be willing to bet it's not cancer.
40 year-old female
May 2017: Dx rectal cancer T3N2M0
6/17: 28 days chemorad
9/17: LAR/loop ileostomy, CAPOX six rounds
3/18: reversal
9/18: liver met, resection/HAI pump, 11 rounds 5FU, 1 round FUDR
11/19 - local recurrence, brachytherapy, 3 weeks targeted radiation
12/21 - end colostomy

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Re: 22 years old and scared to death

Postby Pemba » Tue Dec 05, 2017 12:33 pm

Mostu wrote:Thank you for your replies, they mean a lot to me.

The healthcare in my country is a joke... Yesterday I went to the hospital, but the registration booth was closed so I went today. The nurse said that I'll need to wait for a doctor because my primary doctor wrote Urgent on the paper so I had to speak with the doctor in the hospital. After waiting an hour I went in, he asked me what's the problem, I told him and showed him the photo. He said that unfortunately they can't do the colonoscopy in an urgent mode, because of two reasons - first one is that the queues are so long that they simply can't fit me anywhere soon, and if I want to book a colonoscopy the normal way I'll need to wait till February/March. He told me to go to my primary doctor once again and figure it out with her because there's nothing they can do here. The second reason he gave is that I'm young, that this was probably a hemmorroid or a fissure and that's not urgent, and that the colonoscopy can do more harm than good, because I'm young and my colon isn't as strong as it should be yet, and it may get perforated during the scope. I've read too many stories about people who were told to not worry and then when they actually went for the scope, they had cancer or something. So yeah, I called my surgeon uncle who said that in the evening he'll call me back and tell me the date I can have the scope in his hospital. It's 2 hours away by train but I prefer to get it checked asap instead of waiting till February.

I'm still kind of stressed. Things that ease my mind are your responses and stuff I read online, like the facts that cancer bleedings are rather small, not like mine, and that they don't only bleed once, but are chronic. So far I only had one bleeding and no other symptoms (maybe besides lack of appetite and little stomach discomforts in different areas, but I'm 99% sure that it's due to stress) so I'm trying to keep my cool and just wait for the scope. I'll keep updating the thread.

Where are you from ? I’m also from Europe.

I’ve never heard about premature colon and high risks, some colon decides require a colonoscopy every year from age 10.

I’m sure your fine! But I understand how the stress can destroy everything, so I’m hoping the hospital moves a bit faster..
Age: 26
2017: 15mm Tubulovillous adenoma- Low grade dysplasi.
Next scopy: original 2020 probably 2018-19

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Re: 22 years old and scared to death

Postby Mostu » Tue Dec 05, 2017 12:55 pm

Pemba wrote:
Where are you from ? I’m also from Europe.

I’ve never heard about premature colon and high risks, some colon decides require a colonoscopy every year from age 10.

I’m sure your fine! But I understand how the stress can destroy everything, so I’m hoping the hospital moves a bit faster..

I'm Polish :) The doctor seemed rude and in a hurry. I hate when they're like this!

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Re: 22 years old and scared to death

Postby Pemba » Tue Dec 05, 2017 2:40 pm

Im from Denmark :D

My GL was also a bit rude and in a hurry. But he gave me a appointment within a week because of my bleeding. So was very grateful! Can you contact another doctor?
Age: 26
2017: 15mm Tubulovillous adenoma- Low grade dysplasi.
Next scopy: original 2020 probably 2018-19

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Rectal Bleeding

Postby O Stoma Mia » Tue Dec 05, 2017 3:00 pm

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Re: 22 years old and scared to death

Postby Mostu » Tue Dec 05, 2017 3:48 pm

Yeah, as I said before, my uncle who's a surgeon will set a date (hopefully soon) for my colonoscopy. I'm much calmer right now and it's getting to me that I'll probably be fine, but I'll still keep updating for future people with similar symptomes to mine. :D

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Re: 22 years old and scared to death

Postby exaussie » Tue Dec 05, 2017 4:08 pm

I find it strange that you were told you were too young and that colonoscopy can damage more in young people. My daughters had colonoscopies at 15 and 16 due to family history. I have never heard that excuse before.. Anyway, yes I am glad you are getting a colonoscopy it will ease your mind. Chances are good that it will not be cancer. great way to be proactive!
DS 26 yrs old diagnosed 6/13 T3N2aM1b
Resection 6/13
6 rounds chemo folfax
12/13 Fissure
hernia surgery 12/13
5 months break
Maintenance chemo 3/14
Crazy growth. Liver failing. Folfox and vectibex 7-29-14
Chemo failure Hospice 8/26
Left us 8/28

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Re: 22 years old and scared to death

Postby Pemba » Tue Dec 05, 2017 4:46 pm

exaussie wrote:I find it strange that you were told you were too young and that colonoscopy can damage more in young people. My daughters had colonoscopies at 15 and 16 due to family history. I have never heard that excuse before.. Anyway, yes I am glad you are getting a colonoscopy it will ease your mind. Chances are good that it will not be cancer. great way to be proactive!

Exactly, if you have familial adenomatous polyposis or juvenile polyp syndrome they do the colonoscopy from around 10-12 of age.. I would also assumed the colon is “mature” at 22.. no such thing as to young at that age.
Age: 26
2017: 15mm Tubulovillous adenoma- Low grade dysplasi.
Next scopy: original 2020 probably 2018-19

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