22 years old and scared to death

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Re: 22 years old and scared to death

Postby Mostu » Mon Jan 22, 2018 2:26 am

So here we are, I'll be getting the scope any time soon. Got my catheter in already. I'm trying to think positively but the stress is killing me! I'll update after the scope.

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Re: 22 years old and scared to death

Postby JustJen » Mon Jan 22, 2018 2:58 am

Lee wrote:
Pemba wrote:Just got a shock reading they did stay in the hospital doing prep and all, seems so expensive and different. I don’t think we would have rooms enough if that was standard.

Honestly, I find it odd too, prepping in the hospital. I'm coming up on 14 yrs, I've had MANY colonoscopies, never in the hospital. I know the hospitals have GI wards, I had some follow up testing done when I was first diagnosed, in one of those GI wards, butt I believe those wards are mainly used for people already admitted to the hospital (ie someone shows up in the ER with a medical problem, they do a colonoscopy on person to rule out cancer, etc)

Hope everything goes well for him.


She said she was in Poland, I’ve had all 6 of my colonscopies in the U.S. at 6 different clinics. Only once have I prepped at a hospital, but that was for an “emergency colonscopy” (brought in through the ER). In fact, my next colonscopy scheduled on 2/8 will be the first scheduled in a hospital. The rest have been done at a GI stand-alone clinic or in an outpatient room in the radiology department in a medical complex with shared recovery areas (always fun to be farting out the air with nothing but a curtain separating you from your neighbor!). Anyway, not to draw away from the issue at hand...
Married 18 years
Mother to 2 boys
Awaiting diagnostic colonoscopy
Family Hx of digestive diseases. Mother died at 63 of cancer of unknown origin
No genetic testing performed

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Re: 22 years old and scared to death

Postby Mostu » Mon Jan 22, 2018 5:12 am

I got my results! There were no hemorrhoids, but they found one 4-5mm polyp, which has been sent to be examined. Otherwise the colon is clean. I'm just wondering, what if the polyp turns out to be cancerous or precancerous? Will I be in trouble later?

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Re: 22 years old and scared to death

Postby Pemba » Mon Jan 22, 2018 7:14 am

First it’s pretty rare for a polyp that small to be cancerous and if the GL suspects something they usually say afterwords.

Second, because they found a polyp you’ll be on a checkup list, depending on the pathology report, usually it’s either 1, 3 or 5 yers.

Congrats on being proactive :D

Ps. Do you know what part of the colon it was removed from ?
Age: 26
2017: 15mm Tubulovillous adenoma- Low grade dysplasi.
Next scopy: original 2020 probably 2018-19

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Re: 22 years old and scared to death

Postby Mostu » Mon Jan 22, 2018 7:24 am

Thanks. It was removed from rectum, very close to anus.

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Re: 22 years old and scared to death

Postby rockhound » Mon Jan 22, 2018 4:36 pm

Mostu wrote:Thanks. It was removed from rectum, very close to anus.

This is good! I wish I would have gone in and had a colonoscopy when I first started seeing blood... removal at this point is a good thing for sure!
45 yr old male
Diagnosed December 2016, age 41
Stage 1/IIA rectal cancer - T2/3N0M0 via MRI (MRI indicates stage 1; onc/surgeon = stage 2a)
Lynch syndrome, MSH6 mutation, MSI
2 to 3/2017 Xeloda + Radiation
5/10/17 - Robotic LAR with temp. loop illeostomy, 0/20 lymph nodes
6 to 7/2017 - Six cycles Folfox @ full strength
9/20/17 - Ileostomy takedown
10/17 - CT, NED
5/18 - CT, NED
11/18 - CT, NED
5/19 - CT, NED..moving to yearly CT scans
5/20 - CT, NED
5/21 - CT, NED (4 yr. scan)

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Re: 22 years old and scared to death

Postby Lee » Mon Jan 22, 2018 4:43 pm

Mostu wrote:I got my results! There were no hemorrhoids, but they found one 4-5mm polyp, which has been sent to be examined. Otherwise the colon is clean. I'm just wondering, what if the polyp turns out to be cancerous or precancerous? Will I be in trouble later?

If it precancer, they got it before it could turn cancerous. As other have said, at that size, I would not be worrying about cancer.

Relax, enjoy your life.

rectal cancer - April 2004
46 yrs old at diagnoses
stage III C - 6/13 lymph positive
radiation - 6 weeks
surgery - August 2004/hernia repair 2014
permanent colostomy
chemo - FOLFOX
NED - 16 years and counting!

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Re: 22 years old and scared to death

Postby Mostu » Tue Jan 23, 2018 2:34 am

I'd like to thank you all for being such a great support system, and I honestly and wholeheartedly wish every single one of you all the best in your lives. I hope that if someone with similar symptoms like me finds this thread, he'll go and do the colonoscopy, because polyps at 22 aren't really normal, and I'm glad that I didn't wait and did the scope, because in 10 years, it might've turned cancerous. Anyways, all the best for you guys, kick cancers ass eventually!

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Re: 22 years old and scared to death

Postby Nikhita135 » Thu Aug 29, 2024 6:45 am


my name is Nikhita and I know it's been a few years since these posts were published, however I'm jumping on the bandwagon now haha. I'm 22 years old and I am scheduled to have my gastroscopy and colonoscopy on the coming Monday, so I will need to prep over the weekend. I decided to get these tests done because I've been having really bad reflux (and at this age its definitely not normal) to the point I had to go to hospital 6mnths ago because of severe chest pain and abdominal pain.... ngl I really thought I was having a heart attack lol. I was given a provisional diagnosis of gastritis and possible gastric ulcers (without testing :roll: ). But no severe episodes since then, but recently I've have been having few weeks of slight bleeding when I wipe after I poop, which I think was haemorrhoids now that I think about it, but this is now resolved.... but instead for the past 1-1.5mnths I've been having straight diarrhoea and I'm so confused because I eat so healthy and lots of protein??? Point is I hope one of you guys from the original post, the OG poster, (or anyone new!!), can reply and give me some insight and comfort. I am very scared but happy I'm doing the procedure to give myself a piece of mind. Not looking for the weekend prep but it needs to be done :cry:

I will definitely update once I have finished my procedure :)
- Nikhita

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Green Tea
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Re: 22 years old and scared to death

Postby Green Tea » Thu Aug 29, 2024 9:43 pm

Nikhita135 wrote:.... I was given a provisional diagnosis of gastritis and possible gastric ulcers (without testing)...
- Nikhita

Nikhita -- If your upcoming gastroscopy procedure confirms the presence of an ulcer. be sure to ask for a Helicobacter pylori test to see if it is just a bad case of Helicobacter pylori infection that's causing the bleeding ulcer.


We'll be thinking about you on Monday and hoping for the best possible outcome. Please keep us informed about the detailed findings whenever you get the results.

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Re: 22 years old and scared to death

Postby Nikhita135 » Thu Aug 29, 2024 9:56 pm


Thank you so much for your reply! I have had a lot of blood tests for my heart and also the breath test for H. Pylori ! They all came as negative so that’s why I’ve decided to go with the more invasive test of endoscopy. Thank you for your recommendation :D I will update everyone how I go afterwards :)

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