Terminology and abbreviations

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O Stoma Mia
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Re: Terminology and abbreviations

Postby O Stoma Mia » Thu Nov 19, 2015 11:10 am

ACRONYMS (an update of justsing's 2008 list of acronyms)

<3 ★ "sideways heart"
1.5T ★ 1.5 Tesla MRI (standard MRI)
18F-FDG ★ 18F-fluordeoxyglucose (used in PET scan)
25-hydroxyvitamin D ★ Test for monitoring Vitamin D deficiency
3.0T ★ 3.0 Tesla MRI (high-power MRI)
3DXRT ★ 3 D conformal radiotherapy
5-FU ★ 5-fluorouracil
5-FU LV ★ 5-fluorouracil + leucovorin
5'DFUR ★ 5'-DFUR: an intermediate metabolite of capecitabine (Xeloda)
7T ★ 7.0 Tesla MRI (very high power MRI)
9T ★ 9.0 Tesla MRI
A/G ★ Albumin / globulin ratio
Ab ★ Antibody
AC ★ Before meals before a meal (from Latin ante cibum)
ACA ★ Affordable Care Act
ACLS ★ Advanced Cardiac Life Support
ACS ★ American College of Surgeons
ACS ★ American Cancer Society
ACT ★ Adoptive T-cell therapy/ Adoptive cell transfer
ADAPT ★ Therapy that targets colon cancer stem cells
ADAPT+++ ★ Therapy that targets colon cancer stem cells, with added supplements
ADC ★ Antibody-drug conjugate
ADL ★ Activities of daily life (eating, dressing, showering, etc.)
ADR ★ Adenoma detection rate
ADR ★ Adverse drug reaction
AFAIK ★ As far as I know
AFP ★ Alpha-fetoprotein
AHCC ★ Active hexose correlated compound
AHCC ★ Advanced hepatocellular carcinoma
AKA ★ Also known as
AKT inhibitor ★ Inhibitor of AKT (a serine/threonine-specific protein kinase)
AL ★ Anastomosis leakage
ALA ★ Alpha lipoic acid
ALC ★ Acetyl-L-carnitine
ALCAR★ Acetyl-L-carnitine
ALK ★ Anaplastic lymphoma kinase
ALK PHOS ★ Alkaline phosphatase
ALP ★ Alkaline phosphatase
ALPPS ★ Associating Liver Partition and Portal vein Ligation for Staged hepatectomy (surgical option for hepatocellular carcinoma with major vascular invasion)
ALPS ★ Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome
ALS ★ Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
ALT ★ Alanine aminotransferase
ANC ★ Absolute Neutrophil Count
AP ★ AP probably stands for Abdominoperineal; if tumor is above 5 cm, it probably means Anterior/Posterior.*
APC ★ Argon plasma coagulation treatment
APC gene ★ Adenomatous polyposis coli - See: FAP familial adenomatous polyposis
APR ★ Abdomino-perineal resection
aPTT ★ Activated partial thromboplastin time
ARDS ★ Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
ARS ★ Anterior resection syndrome
ASA ★ Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin)
ASCO ★ American Society of Clinical Oncologists
ASPSM ★ American society of peritoneal surface malignancies
AST ★ Aspartate aminotransferase
ATM gene ★ "Ataxia-Telangiesctasia Mutated." ATM helps to control cell growth and repair damaged DNA
ATM ★ At the moment
AV ★ Anal verge
AXR ★ Abdominal x-ray
BC/BS ★ Blue cross/ Blue Shield
BCCA ★ B C Cancer Association
BE ★ Barium enema
BEACON ★ Binimetinib, encorafenib and cetuximab combination therapy for patients with BRAF V600E-mutant mCRC
BEV ★ Avastin® (bevacizumab)
BFF ★ Best friend forever
BG ★ Blood glucose
BID ★ Twice a day*
BILI ★ Bilirubin
BM ★ Bowel movement
BMI ★ Body mass index
BMP ★ Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP): 8 lab tests
BP ★ Blood pressure
BPD ★ Bipolar Disorder
BPH ★ Benign prostate hyperplasia
BRAF ★ Gene that produces a protein called B-Raf governing cell growth, cell division and differentiation.
BRAT ★ The BRAT diet for digestive disorders: bananas, rice, applesauce, (dry) toast
BRCA1 ★ A gene commonly affected in hereditary breast and ovarian cancer
BRCA2 ★ A gene commonly affected in hereditary breast and ovarian cancer
BSA ★ Body surface area
BTDT ★ Been there done that
BTW ★ By the way
BUN ★ Blood urea nitrogen
C-DIFF ★ Clostridium difficile
CA19 9 ★ Cancer antigen 19-9: tumor marker for pancreatic, gallbladder, stomach, colon, and ovarian cancer
CA72-4 ★ Cancer antigen 72-4: tumor marker for gastric cancer
CAA ★ Coloanal anastomosis
CAM ★ Complementary and alternative medicine
CAP ★ Chest/Abdomen/Pelvis scan
CAP ★ Canadian Association of Pathologists,/ College of American Pathologists
CAPEOX ★ Capectabine + oxalilatin chemo = XELOX
CART ★ CAR T-Cell Immunotherapy
CAT ★ Computerised axial tomography (scan)
CBC ★ Complete Blood Count
CBC/DIFF ★ Complete blood count/differential
CC ★ Completeness of cytoreduction.
CCLM ★ Colon cancer liver metastases
cCR ★ Complete clinical response (cCR)
CDIFF ★ Clostridium difficile
CEA ★ Carcino-embryonic antigen – a tumor marker for colon cancer
CF ★ Cystic fibrosis/ cardiac failure
CHEK2 ★ A tumor suppressor gene whose mutations are linked to a wide range of cancers
CHEM 14 ★ A panel of blood tests:
    Sodium (Na), Potassium (K), Chloride (Cl), CO2 (bicarbonate), Creatinine, Glucose, Urea nitrogen (BUN), Albumin, Calcium, Alkaline Phosphatase, ALT/GPT, AST/GOT, Total Bilirubin,Total Protein
CHEM-20 ★ A panel of blood tests
    (albumin, alkaline phosphatase, alanine transaminase, aspartate aminotransferase, blood urea nitrogen, calcium – serum, serum chloride, carbon dioxide, creatinine, direct bilirubin, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, glucose test, lactate dehydrogenase, phosphorus – serum, potassium test, serum sodium, total bilirubin, total cholesterol, total protein, uric acid)
CHEM-7 ★ A panel of blood tests, commonly called a basic metabolic panel
    blood urea nitrogen, carbon dioxide, creatinine, glucose, serum chloride, serum potassium, serum sodium
CHF ★ Congestive heart failure
CIPN ★ Chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy
CISH ★ A gene that controls T cell receptor (TCR) signaling
CJP ★ Colonic J pouch
CME ★ Complete mesocolonic excision
CMP ★ Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (14 lab tests: CHEM 14)
CMV ★ Cyto Megalo Virus
CNS ★ Central nervous system
COL ★ Celebration of life
COPD ★ Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
COX-1 ★ Cyclooxygenase 1
COX-2 ★ Cyclooxygenase 2
COX1 COX2 INHIBITORS ★ Inhibitors of Cyclooxygenase 1 and Cyclooxygenase 2
CPE ★ Complete pelvic exenteration, aka pelvic evisceration
CR ★ Complete response to chemotherapy
CRC★ Colorectal cancer
CRD ★ Complete Redistribution
CRISPR ★ Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats - A gene editing technology
CRM ★ Circumferential resection margin
CRP ★ C-reactive protein
CRS ★ Cytoreductive Surgery
CRT ★ Chemoradiotherapy
CS ★ Cytoreductive surgery
CSLEX ★ A ligand of CEA
CSS ★ Cause specific survival
CT ★ Computed tomography
CTC ★ Circulating tumor cells
ctDNA ★ Circulating tumor DNA
CTLA-4 ★ Checkpoint molecule found on T cells
CUC ★ Chronic ulcerative colitis
CUP ★ Cancer of Unknown Primary
CV19 ★ Covid-19
CXR ★ Chest x-ray
D-dimer ★ Lab test for assessing function of blood clotting system. If it is abnormal, you could possibly have DIC Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
DART ★ Dual-affinity re-targeting therapy
DCR ★ Disease control rate (partial response, complete response, and stable disease)
DD ★ Dear daughter
DD ★ Dosing-density: % of days with chemotherapy administration per cycle
DEBIRI ★ Drug-Eluting Bead, Irinotecan (DEBIRI) Therapy of Liver Metastasis
DF ★ Dear father
DFS ★ Disease free survival - used to describe the time that a patient is NED
DH ★ Dear Husband
DHA ★ Docosahexaenoic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid found in the oils of cold-water fish and in algae.
DIC ★ Disseminated Intravascular coagulation
DIL ★ Daughter in law
DIY ★ Do it yourself
dL ★ Deciliter = 0.1 liter
DLBCL ★ Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
DLT★ Dose limiting toxicity
DM ★ Dear mother
dMMR ★ Deficient mismatch repair
DMSO ★ Dimethyl Sulfoxide
DMSO/C ★ DMSO-Vitamin C Therapy
DNA ★ Deoxyribonucleic acid
DNL ★ Daughter in law
DRE ★ Digital rectal exam
DRESS ★ DRESS syndrome (Drug Rash with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms)
DS ★ Dear sister , Dear son
DSS ★ Dear step son
DVT ★ Deep vein thrombosis
DW ★ Dear wife
DWI ★ Difusion Weighted Imaging (MRI)
DX ★ Diagnosis
EBRT ★ External Beam Radiation Therapy
ECG, EKG ★ Electrocardiogram
ECI ★ Extra-capsular invasion
ECOG ★ ECOG status scale
ED ★ Emergency department
EGCG ★ Epigallocatechin gallate, antioxidant found in green tea
EGD ★ Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
EGFR ★ Epithelial Growth Factor Receptor - the key to Erbitux and Vectibix's actions . a key target that modulates growth and division of cancer cells
EMG ★ Electromyogram
EMR ★ Endoscopic mucosal resection
EMVI ★ Extra mural vascular invasion
EPCAM ★ Epithelial cell adhesion molecule (Lynch syndrome)
EPIC ★ Early Post-operative Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy.
EPO ★ Exclusive provider organization.
ER ★ Emergency room
ERCP ★ Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatogram
ERUS ★ Endoscopic rectal ultrasound
ESD ★ Endoscopic submucosal dissection
ESMO ★ European Society for Medical Oncology
ESR ★ Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
EUS ★ Endoscopic ultrasonography
FABNO ★ Fellow of the American Board of Naturopathic Oncology
FAP ★ Familial adenomatous polyposis
FBC ★ Full blood count
FBG ★ Fasting blood glucose
FDA ★ Food and Drug Administration
FDG ★ 18F-Fluordeoxyglucose
FIL ★ Father in law
FIT, iFIT ★ Fecal immunochemical test
FLOX ★ Blend of fluorine and liquid oxygen
FLR ★ Future liver remnant
FLV ★ Fluvoxamine
FOBT ★ Fecal occult blood test
FOLFIRI ★ Chemo regimen using 5-FU, Leucovorin, and Irinotecan
FOLFOX ★ Chemo regimen using 5-FU, Leucovorin, and Oxaliplatin (Eloxatin)*
FOLFOXIRI ★ Chemo regimen using 5-FU, Leucovorin, Oxaliplatin (Eloxatin), and Irinotecan*
FOS ★ Full of stool (polite form)
FPG ★ Fasting plasma glucose
FTD ★ Trifluridine
FUBAR ★ Fouled Up Beyond All Recognition (polite form)
FUDR ★ Floxuridine (FUDR®, Fluorodeoxyuridine) chemo used with HAI pumps
FWIW ★ For what it’s worth
FYI ★ For your information
G-CSF ★ Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor
g/dL ★ grams per deciliter
GA ★ General anaesthetic
GBP ★ Gastric bypass
GCF ★ Granulocyte colony-stimulating growth
GCT ★ Granular cell tumor
GERD ★ Gastroesophageal reflux disease
GGT ★ Gamma-glutamyl transferase
GGTP ★ Gamma glutamyl transpeptidase
GI ★ Gastrointestinal
GIT ★ Gastrointestinal tract
GIST ★ Gastrointestinal stromal tumor
GP ★ General practitioner
Habr-Gama ★ Watch and wait protocol
HAI ★ Hepatic arterial infusion
HAI ★ Hospital acquired infection
Hb ★ Hemoglobin
HBOT ★ Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
HCC ★ Hepatocellular carcinoma
HCT ★ Hematocrit
HFS ★ Hand foot syndrome
HH ★ Hereditary hemochromatosis
HIPEC ★ Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy used to wash out the peritoneal/abdominal cavity
HMO ★ Health Maintenance Organization
HNPCC ★ Hereditary NonPolyposis Colorectal Cancer a genetic condition which runs in families and indicates a predisposition to GI and OB-GYN cancers
HR ★ Hazard ratio (statistics)
HRT ★ Hormone replacement therapy
HS ★ At bed time
hsCRP ★ High Sensitivity C-reactive Protein
HTH ★ Hope that helps
HUS ★ Hepatic ultrasound
Hx ★ History
IB ★ -ib suffix of small molecule targeted therapies (also, -nib)
IBD ★ Inflammatory bowel disease
IBS ★ Irritable bowel syndrome
ICU ★ Intensive care unit
IDK ★ I don't know
Ig-A ★ Immunoglobulin A
Ig-G ★ Immunoglobulin G
IGRA ★ Interferon-gamma release assay
IGRT ★ Image guided radiotherapy
IHC ★ Immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis
IIRC ★ If I recall correctly
IL-8 ★ Interleukin 8
ILEO ★ Ileostomy
ILEUS ★ Intestinal obstruction causing colic, vomiting, and constipation.
IM ★ Intramuscular
IMHO ★ In my humble opinion
IMO ★ In my opinion
IMRT ★ Intensity-modulated radiotherapy
INR ★ International normalized ratio
IORT ★ Intra-operative radiation treatment
IP ★ Intraperitoneal
IP-6 ★ Inositol Hexaphosphate - a vitamin-like substance used to treat cancer. It is found in animals and many plants
IPAA ★ Ileal pouch-anal anastomosis
IQR ★ Inter quartile range (statistics)
IR ★ Interventional radiologist
IRA ★ Ileorectal anastomosis
IRB ★ Institutional review board
IRE ★ Irreversible Electroporation (NanoKnife)
IROX ★ irinotecan + oxaliplatin (IROX)
irRC ★ Immune Related Response Criteria
IU ★ International unit
IV ★ Intravenous
IVC ★ Intravenous Vitamin C
IVM ★ Ivermectin
JMHO ★ Just my humble opinion
JMO ★ Just my opinion
KAPA ★ A type of PCR kit
KRAS ★ a part of the DNA which predicts whether the EGFR class of drugs will be an effective cancer treatment.
KRAS - mt ★ Mutant Type - means that the cancer's KRAS gene HAS mutated, and thus is unlikely to respond to the EGFR drugs
KRAS- wt ★ Wild Type - means that the cancer's KRAS gene has not mutated and thus will likely respond to the EGFR drugs
L ★ Liter
L1-L5 ★ Lumbar vertebrae
L-5MTHF ★ Active folate supplementation for mood
LA ★ Low anterior
LAR ★ Low Anterior Resection – a surgery used for rectal cancer*
LARC ★ Locally advanced rectal cancer
LARS ★ Low anterior resection syndrome
LBO ★ Large bowel obstruction
LDH /LDH5 ★ Lactate dehydrogenase -
LDH5 ★ Lactate Dehydrogenase Isoenzyme 5
LDLT ★ Living donor liver transplantation
LDM ★ Low-dose metronomic chemotherapy
LEF ★ Life Extension Foundation
LFS ★ Li-Fraumeni Syndrome
LLL ★ Left lower lobe (lung)
LLN ★ Lower limit of normal
LN ★ Lymph node
LNI ★ Lymph node involvement/invasion
LOL ★ Laughing out loud
LPN ★ Licensed practical nurse
LS ★ Lynch syndrome http://www.cancer.net/cancer-types/lynch-syndrome
LUL ★ Left upper lobe (of lung)
LV ★ Leucovorin
LYNCH ★ Lynch syndrome http://www.cancer.net/cancer-types/lynch-syndrome
M0 ★ (M plus zero): The disease has not spread to a distant part of the body.
M1a ★ The cancer has spread to 1 other part of the body beyond the colon or rectum.
M1b ★ The cancer has spread to more than 1 part of the body other than the colon or rectum.
M1c ★ Metastasis to the peritoneal surface alone or with other site or organ metastases
mAb, -mab ★ Monoclonal antibody (suffix -mab) directed towards specific cell surface receptors or their ligands to prevent receptor activation. (targeted therapy)
MARSA ★ Methicillin- and aminoglycoside-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
mcg ★ Microgram
MCH ★ Mean corpuscular hemoglobin
MCHC ★ Hemoglobin concentration
MCP ★ Modified Citrus Pectin
mCRC ★ Metastatic colorectal cancer
MCV ★ Mean corpuscular volume
MDA ★ MD Anderson Cancer Center
MDT ★ Multidisciplinary team
MEK inhibitor ★ Mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibitor >>> mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase enzymes MEK1 and/or MEK2
mEq ★ Milliequivalents
Met ★ Metastasis (where the tumour has spread to secondary sites)
MET ★ Metabolic Equivalent - defined as 1 kcal/kg/hour and is roughly equivalent to the energy cost of sitting quietly
mg ★ Milligram
MHL1 ★ MLH1 protein is one component of a system of seven DNA mismatch repair proteins that work coordinately in sequential steps to initiate repair of DNA mismatches in humans.
MIL ★ Mother in law
Mito-C ★ Mitomycin-C, antibiotic only used in cancer chemotherapy
MLH1 mutation ★ MutL homolog 1 gene mutation – (Lynch syndrome)
mmol ★ Millimole
MMR ★ DNA mismatch repair
MMR-deficient ★ DNA mismatch repair deficient (MSI)
MMR-L★ MSI Low or stable
MP ★ Muscularis Propria (muscular layer)
mPFS ★ Median progression free survival
MPV ★ Mean platelet volume
MRD ★ Minimal residual disease
MRI ★ Magnetic resonance imaging
MRSA ★ Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
MSH2 mutation ★ MutS homolog 2 gene mutation - (Lynch syndrome)
MSH2 ★ MSH2 gene normally helps prevent cancers. A mutation in this gene causes it to stop working like it should. MSH2+ increases your risk for certain types of cancers.
MSH6 mutation ★ MutS homolog 6 gene mutation - (Lynch syndrome)
MSH6 ★ An MMR gene associated with HNPCC
MSI ★ Microsatellite instability
MSI-H ★ Microsatellite instability - High
MSI-L ★ Microsatellite instability - Low
MSKCC, MSK ★ Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
MSS ★ Microsatellite stable
MTD ★ Maximum tolerated dose - Phase 1 studies
MTM/ml ★ Mean tumor molecules per milliliter
mTOR ★ A highly conserved serine/threonine kinase that controls cell growth and metabolism in response to nutrients, growth factors, cellular energy, and stress.
N ★ Number of observations
Nanoknife ★ NanoKnife™ is a minimally invasive cancer treatment that precisely targets and kills hard-to-reach tumors. NanoKnife allows treatment of difficult-to-reach tumors that in the past would be virtually impossible for surgeons to remove.
ncCR ★ "near" clinical Complete Response
ND ★ Naturopath doctor
NED ★ No evidence of disease
NEMD ★ No evidence of metastatic disease
NERD ★ No evidence of recurrent or residual disease.
NET ★ Neuroendocrine tumor
NG tube ★ Nasogastric tube
NIB ★ (suffix -nib) are small molecules binding directly to the intracellular kinase domain (targeted therapy)
NIC ★ Nursing interventions classification.
NK cells ★ Natural killer cells
NL ★ Normal
NM ★ Never mind
NP ★ Nurse practitioner
NPO ★ Nil per os (nothing by mouth)
NPV ★ Negative predictive value The proportion of people whose test results are true negatives and who are truly disease free.
NSAID ★ Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
NSCLC ★ Non-small-cell lung adenocarcinoma
O/T ★ Off topic
OD ★ Overdose
ODTAA ★ One Damn Thing After Another
OMEGA-3 ★ Polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFAs)
OMG ★ Oh my god!
ONC ★ Oncologist
ONCOTYPEDX ★ Advanced diagnostic test for the assessment of risk of recurrence in Stage II and Stage III colon cancer
OP ★ Original poster
ORR★ Overall response rate / objective response rate
OS ★ Overall survival
OTC ★ Over-the-counter drug
Oxi ★ Oxaliplatin
PA ★ Physician assistant
PALN ★ Para-aortic lymph nodes
PARP ★ "Poly ADP Ribose Polymerase." - some cancers depend for their growth on an excess of the PARP enzymes.
PC ★ After meals (from Latin post cibum)
PC ★ Peritoneal carcinomatosis
PCA (morphine) ★ Patient controlled morphine administration
PCA ★ Patient Controlled Analgesia
pCcr ★ Peritoneal Creatinine Clearance / Phosphate & Creatinine Clearance Ratio
PCEA ★ Patient Controlled Epidural Analgesia
PCI ★ Peritoneal carcinomatosis Index
PCI ★ Percutaneous coronary intervention; Plasma Cell Infiltration
PCI score ★ Peritoneal Cancer Index
PCP ★ Primary care provider
pCR ★ Pathological complete response
PD ★ Progressive disease while on chemotherapy
PD-1 ★ Programmed cell death protein 1. Protein on the surface of some T cells.
PD-L1 ★ Programmed death-ligand 1: Protein found on some normal (and cancer) cells
PDT ★ Photodynamic therapy (lung cancer)
PE ★ Pulmonary embolism
PEEP ★ Person
PERI ★ Peritoneal
PERI- ★ Prefix meaning "around"
PES ★ Post Embolization Syndrome
PET ★ Positron Emission Tomography- a scan after a small radioactive injection.
PET CT ★ Combined scan that does a simultaneous CT, which measures the shape and size of body structures, with PET, which measures metabolic activity.
PFMT ★ Pelvic floor muscle training
PFS ★ Progression free survival - used to describe the time that a patient is stable, or showing no worsening/progression of the disease*
pH ★ Hydrogen-ion concentration - acid / alkaline
PICC ★ Peripherally inserted central catheter
PIFA ★ Platinum-induced fatty acids
PIPac ★ Pressurized Intraperitoneal Aerosol Chemotherapy (PIPAC).
PK ★ Pharmacokinetics
PLD ★ Pharyngolaryngeal dysesthesia
PM ★ Peritoneal metastasis
PMDD ★ Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
pMMR ★ Proficient mismatch repair
PMS2 ★ A gene that encodes for DNA repair proteins involved in mismatch repair. A mutation in the PMS2 gene, means you have a condition called Lynch syndrome.
PMS2 mutation ★ Post-Meiotic Segregation gene mutation (Lynch syndrome)
POG ★ Personal OncoGenomics
POLD1 ★ Protein important for DNA replication and DNA repair
POS ★ Point of service plan
PPI ★ Proton pump inhibitor
PPO ★ Preferred provider organization
PR ★ Partial response to chemotherapy*
PRESULTS ★ Preliminary results
PRN ★ 'pro ne rata': when necessary
PRP ★ Platelet rich plasma therapy
PS ★ Performance Status - a term used to describe your overall ability to function, dressing yourself, eating, physical activity, etc.
PSD ★ Peritoneal surface disease - means that the cancer has spread to the abdominal cavity and is on the surface of the organs rather than within the organs*
PSK ★ Polysaccharide K, also known as Krestin (Coriolus) is a product with anti-tumor properties developed for cancer treatment in Japan.
PT PT/INR ★ Prothrombin Time and International Normalized Ratio
PT ★ Physical therapy
PTEN mutation ★ PTEN is a tumor suppressor gene that classically dampens the PI3K/AKT/mTOR growth cycle. URL
PTH ★ Parathyeroid hormone test
PTSD ★ Post traumatic stress disorder
PTT aPTT ★ Partial thromboplastin time - measures the activity of the intrinsic and common pathways of coagulation - used primarily to investigate unexplained bleeding or clotting.
PV ★ Portal vein
PVE ★ Portal vein embolization
PVL ★ Portal vein ligation
PX ★ Prognosis
QAD ★ Every other day (from Latin quaque altera die)
QD ★ Every day
QDS ★ Quater in Dies / Four times a day
QH ★ Quaque Hora / Every hour
QHS★ Quaque Hora Somni / At Bedtime
QID ★ Four times a day
QOD ★ Every other day
QOL ★ Quality of life
RA ★ Rheumatoid arthritis
RAIR ★ RectoAnal inhibitory reflex
RBC ★ Red blood cells, red blood cell count
RC ★ Rectal cancer
RCa ★ Rectal cancer
RDI ★ Relative dose-intensity
RDS ★ Rounds
RDW ★ Red cell distribution width
RDW CV ★ http://www.med-health.net/Rdw-Cv-And-Rdw-Sd.html
RDW SD ★ http://www.med-health.net/Rdw-Cv-And-Rdw-Sd.html
RECIST 1.1 ★ Response evaluation criteria in solid tumors
RESEC ★ Resection
RFA ★ Radio frequency ablation
RICE ★ Rest, ice, compression, and elevation
RIT ★ Radioimmunotherapy
RLL ★ Right lower lobe (of lung)
RN ★ Registered nurse
RNA ★ Ribonucleic acid: a nucleic acid present in all living cells. Its principal role is to act as a messenger carrying instructions from DNA for controlling the synthesis of proteins,
RPD ★ Random Proximal Distribution
RR ★ Response Rate
RT ★ Radiotherapy
RUL ★ Right upper lobe (of lung)
SABR ★ Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy
SB ★ Small bowel
SBO ★ Small bowel obstruction
SBRT ★ Stereotactic body radiation therapy
SC ★ Subcutaneous
SCC ★ Squamous cell carcioma
SD ★ Stable disease
sDNA ★ DNA stool test
SEER ★ Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results database
SGOT ★ Serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase
SGPT ★ Serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase
SIFE ★ Single-incision flexible endoscopy
SIL ★ Sister in law
SIRE ★ Single-incision rigid endoscopy
SIRS ★ Systemic Inflammatory response syndrome
SIRT ★ Selective internal radiation therapy
SMH ★ Shaking my head
SLN ★ Solitary lymph node
SO ★ Significant other
SOB ★ Shortness of Breath
SOC ★ Standard of Care
SPS ★ Serrated polyposis syndrome
SRC ★ Signet ring cell carcinoma
SSA ★ Sessile serrated adenoma
SSI ★ Surgical site infection
SSO ★ Sphincter saving operation
STIR ★ short TI inversion recovery An MRI term for a specialised application of the inversion recovery pulse sequence which sets the inversion time (TI) of the sequence at 0.69 times the T1 of fat, thereby suppressing the fat in the image.
SUV ★ Standardized uptake value. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/me ... take-value
SVC ★ Superior vena cavai
T6 ★ Thoracic spinal vertebrae
TACE ★ Transcatheter arterial chemoembolization
TAE ★ Trans-arterial embolization
TAMIS ★ Trans anal minimally invasive surgery
TAS 102 ★ Lonsurf https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02286492
TBH ★ To be honest
TBT ★ Truth be told
TCM ★ Traditional Chinese Medicine
TCR ★ T cell replacement (immunotherapy)
TEM ★ Transanal endoscopic microsurgery
TEMP ★ Temporary, as in “temp ileo”
TFFW ★ Too funny for words
TGF ★ Transforming growth factor - TGF-β
TI ★ Inversion time
TIA ★ Transient ischemic attack
TID ★ Three times a day
TIL ★ Immunotherapy using Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes
TLR ★ Time to local recurrence B
TM ★ Tumor marker / Transcendental Meditation / Tetrathiomolybdate
TMB ★ Tumor mutation burden
TME ★ Tumor microenvironment
TME ★ Total mesorectal excision (the standard now for rectal cancer surgery)
TMI ★ Too much information
TNM ★ Tumor, nodes, metastases (cancer staging system)
TNT ★ Total neo-adjuvant therapy
TPE or CPE ★ Total pelvic exenteration : Complete removal of all remaining organs in the pelvis, including the bladder, and usually requires double ostomies.
TPI ★ Tipiracil hydrochloride
TPN ★ Total parenteral nutrition: nutrient liquid delivered via IV or PICC line.
TREGS ★ Regulatory T-cells
TS ★ Thoracic spine
TS-1 ★ Fluoropyrimidine pro-drug --An orally available cytotoxic drug containing gimeracil, oteracil potassium, and tegafur as active ingredients
TSH ★ Thyroid stimulating hormone
TTM ★ Tetrathiomolybdate
TTM/TM ★ Tetrathiomolybdate is a copper chelator that works against tumors by removing copper from the body.
TX ★ Treatment
UC ★ Ulcerative colitis
UFT ★ Tegafur/uracil https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tegafur/uracil
UFUR ★ Tegafur/uracil https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tegafur/uracil
ULAR ★ Ultra low anterior resection
ULN ★ Upper limit of normal
UP ★ Unknown Primary
URI ★ Upper respiratory infection
US, U/S, USd ★ Ultrasound
UT ★ Ultrasonic Testing
UTI ★ Urinary tract infection
VATS ★ Video assisted thoracoscopic surgery
VEGF ★ Vascular endothelial growth factor - the part of the cancer cell dealing with new blood vessel formation, and the target for “anti-angiogenic” agents
VSL#3 ★ VSL#3 is a medical food used as a probiotic, or "friendly bacteria" to maintain a healthy digestive tract.
WB-DWI ★ Whole-body diffuse weighted imagine, an MRI setting
WCD ★ Widespread Cancer Distribution
WNL ★ Within normal limits
WNT ★ A signaling pathway that has been implicated in the development of breast, colorectal, melanoma, prostate, lung, and other cancers.
WOCBP ★ Women of childbearing potential
WOCN ★ Wound, ostomy, continence nurse
w/ ★ With
w/o ★ Without
XELIRI ★ Chemotherapy cocktail: Xeloda (oral) and irinotecan (IV)
Xeloda (Capecitabine) ★ Oral 5-FU (pill form)
XELOX ★ Xeloda and Oxaliplatin - also called CAPOX for CAPecitabine and OXaliplatin
Xilonix ★ a monoclonal antibody which neutralizes “interleukin-1α”.
XRT ★ Chemo/radiation therapy
YACC ★ Young Adult Cancer Canada
YMMV ★ Your mileage may vary
YO Y/O YoA ★ Years old
ypTNM ★ Pathologic classification of extent of cancer after therapy.
Last edited by O Stoma Mia on Sat Oct 05, 2024 12:24 am, edited 40 times in total.

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Postby CRguy » Tue Jan 19, 2016 12:21 pm

Just FYI to members here, and thanks to OSM's diligence !!!!!
The links in justsing's original topic post have been verified and updated.

Harmony All

Nik Colon

Re: Terminology and abbreviations

Postby Nik Colon » Sat Oct 29, 2016 3:34 am

You need to add PITA
Serious tho, I am willing to take all the info here so you can remove everything or start a new with all so it's front. It is confusing cuz people click and see, but do they click the last page? So, maybe we start a new or edit this thread. Ideas besides mine?

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Re: Terminology and abbreviations

Postby CRguy » Sat Oct 29, 2016 4:24 pm

You may wish to start your own topic for this so you can edit and update it in a different manner.
We could then link your topic post to this original one and folks can have the best of both worlds.

From the past, all folks who actually knew justsing are not in favor of changing her original topic.

Caregiver x 5
Stage IV A rectal cancer/lung met
18 Year survivor
my life is an ongoing totally randomized UNcontrolled experiment with N=1 !
Review of my Journey so far

Nik Colon

Re: Terminology and abbreviations

Postby Nik Colon » Sun Oct 30, 2016 2:17 am

CRguy wrote:You may wish to start your own topic for this so you can edit and update it in a different manner.
We could then link your topic post to this original one and folks can have the best of both worlds.

From the past, all folks who actually knew justsing are not in favor of changing her original topic.


It was just a thought, I don't want to do anything that may upset anyone.

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Re: Terminology and abbreviations

Postby shayanjameel08 » Mon Nov 28, 2016 2:42 am

I am learning all of these abbreviation. Thanks to add this.

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Re: Terminology and abbreviations

Postby ElisaNorris » Thu Dec 01, 2016 5:18 am

This abbreviations will be very helpful for the medical studies.

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Re: Terminology and abbreviations

Postby Pebblesgrgrma » Sat Dec 24, 2016 12:32 am

T= tumors?N=nodes?M=meds?
How do you get this information? When I asked my dads oncologist she didnt seem to know what I was talking about. I finally got a copy of my dads biopsy reports today. There is alot more to dads situation than we were told. Such as the size of the tumors in his colon and liver. They took out 16 nodes and 6 were positive for cancer. Wasnt told that either.The surgeon only removed the part of the colon that was bleeding, referring to it as pallative surgery in the report. We were led to believe they got all cancer from colon but it had went to his liver. The report says there were other cancerous places in colon he left because they were not bleeding and would not change the fact it has already spread. When dad passed a blood clot 11 days after surgery we asked if the cancer had came back in the colon and were told they didn't think so.
None of this changes anything anyway. Dad is slipping away more each day. Now he has pain in his back abdomen. The PT tried to put a gait belt around him and he screamed in pain from her pushing against him. He never did that before. He sleeps alot, eats little. He has lost about 5lbs a week. Today they started him on a morphine based long acting pain medication. I don't remember the name of it.
Just wondering about these staging letters and numbers.
Thanks again for being here.

Nik Colon

Re: Terminology and abbreviations

Postby Nik Colon » Sat Dec 24, 2016 12:48 am

Pebblesgrgrma wrote:TNM
T= tumors?N=nodes?M=meds?
How do you get this information? When I asked my dads oncologist she didnt seem to know what I was talking about. I finally got a copy of my dads biopsy reports today. There is alot more to dads situation than we were told. Such as the size of the tumors in his colon and liver. They took out 16 nodes and 6 were positive for cancer. Wasnt told that either.The surgeon only removed the part of the colon that was bleeding, referring to it as pallative surgery in the report. We were led to believe they got all cancer from colon but it had went to his liver. The report says there were other cancerous places in colon he left because they were not bleeding and would not change the fact it has already spread. When dad passed a blood clot 11 days after surgery we asked if the cancer had came back in the colon and were told they didn't think so.
None of this changes anything anyway. Dad is slipping away more each day. Now he has pain in his back abdomen. The PT tried to put a gait belt around him and he screamed in pain from her pushing against him. He never did that before. He sleeps alot, eats little. He has lost about 5lbs a week. Today they started him on a morphine based long acting pain medication. I don't remember the name of it.
Just wondering about these staging letters and numbers.
Thanks again for being here.

This might get moved, or you can start a new topic. Just FYI. TNM = Tumor, Nodes, Metastases, not meds

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Re: Terminology and abbreviations

Postby TMHRCH » Wed Jul 25, 2018 4:58 pm

My pathology report states T4a N2a M1c......all the charts I find state M1a and M1b.....is there a M1c?

Found something on it
Colon Cancer Staging
Updated: Jan 09, 2018 |
Author: Lewis J Rose, MD; Chief Editor: N Joseph Espat, MD, MS, FACS more...
M1c - Metastasis to the peritoneal surface alone or with other site or organ metastases
Stage M1c has been introduced to represent the poor prognosis of peritoneal carcinomatosis

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Re: Terminology and abbreviations

Postby HealthTalk » Mon Dec 03, 2018 1:48 am

Wow! That is quite an impressive list of information...thanks

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Re: Terminology and abbreviations

Postby Cavkan » Sat Dec 29, 2018 7:43 am

Thanks for this list

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Re: Terminology and abbreviations

Postby Sunnycd » Wed Mar 03, 2021 10:21 pm

OMG, thanks for the info. I am a newbie here, and for the life of me I couldn’t understand half of the posts. I am still trying to come up with the fancy signatures that everyone has with their health history.
DX Feb. ‘21 CC IIB @ 51
Jan. ‘21 ER surgery, temp. colostomy
Sigmoid, adernocarcinoma
T4aN0MX, G2
0/24 lymph nodes
LVI: indefinite
PNI: not identified
Margins: clear
March ‘21 started 4 rounds of CAPOX
06/17/21 last day of CAPOX
06/25/21 CT scan clear
CEA: @ dx 4, post surgery 1.9, post chemo: 2.9; 09/21: 1.5
07/14/21 colostomy reversal
09/24/21 CT clear
10/12/21 colonoscopy; 1 polyp
12/05/23 colonoscopy clear
MSS, RAS/RAF wild, PIK3CA mutant

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