Welcome to The Colon Club! We're glad you found us!
The Colon Club message board was started as a guestbook when I skated cross-country to raise awareness of CRC back in the summer of 2000. Rolling to Recovery was the first step in my own personal journey through colon cancer - and I had absolutely no idea just how important the website would become.
The message board is here now to bring survivors - young and old - together. Please ask questions, tell stories and jokes, connect with others, send hugs...anything you feel. We monitor the board, but this is a place for you to be comfortable and say what you feel. (We're jeans and tee shirts kinda folks around here.) Please just be courteous of others who may have just started their own journeys.

When you do post, please keep in mind that, while we would like to think that our board is safe, there are always a few crazies out there. Consider carefully before giving out any of your own personal info (i.e. telephone numbers, addresses, etc.).
Please note that any posts to sell anything or specifically asking for donations will be removed.
Also, any new members will have to have their first several posts approved by one of the Board Moderators. (We can all thank the spammers for this little feature.) We apologize for inconvenience this may cause but are doing our very best to be sure that things aren't left for more than a few hours without approval. After your first several posts have been approved, you will be allowed to post normally without approval and be able to exchange Private Messages (PM's) with other members.
Should you find a post offensive in any way, or just don’t think it has a place on this board, you have the ability to let us know. If you find a post that you feel should be removed (or even if you aren't sure, but want someone to take a closer look at it or keep an eye on it)...in the upper right corner of each individual post, you'll find a box with an exclamation mark in the middle [!] If you click this symbol, it will allow you to report this post to the moderators. If you flag something, it will help us to get to it much faster!
Other than that, it's a free-for-all of sorts!
xo, and thanks so much for joining us!
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