DK37 Science Posts List

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DK37 Science Posts List

Postby DK37 » Tue Oct 20, 2015 10:26 pm

Following a suggestion/request from Nik - here is a list of links to the various science post threads I've started since I started posting on Colon Talk in last 2014.

I'll try (hard) to remember to update it with new links when I make new posts.

Up to you guys if you think it is useful or not... THANK YOU NIK for compiling this starter list for me! It's in chronological order.


Nov 25, 2014
New CRC Immunotherapy Trial Announced: anti-PD1 + anti-CSF1R

Jan 09, 2015
Forbes - Immuno-oncology Story

Feb 20, 2015
New CRC Immunotherapy Paper: PD-L1 + ITK Inhibitors

Feb 27, 2015
Advance Screening - Emperor of All Maladies (Ken Burns)

Mar 16, 2015
New Pilot Clinical Trial Results for BRAF-mut Stage IV CRC

Mar 18, 2015
RRx-001 Prelim. Phase 2 Data - Resensitizing Tumors to chemo

Mar 23, 2015
Updated RRx-001 Preliminary Phase 2 Trial Data

Apr 19, 2015
Johns Hopkins Immunotherapy Paper: 100% CRC cure rate in a poorly immunogenic CRC Mouse Model

Apr 25, 2015
New Arizona Trial: Nivolumab (PD-1 Immunotherapy) + XELIRI/Irinotecan

Apr 27, 2015
Update on MGD007 Trial – New Sites Open!

May 17, 2015
KRAS-wt: Clinical Trial Results for Sym004 (after cetuximab resistance)

May 29, 2015
Potential to be Biggest CRC Drug Breakthrough in Years (ASCO Results - PD1 for MMR-deficient CRC)

Jun 27, 2015
My Blood Biopsy Story (From Voxx66's News from Dr appt post)

Jul 07, 2015
Preliminary Clinical Trial Data for "Xilonix" - Currently in Phase 3 Trials for mCRC

Jul 14, 2015
New Monthly DK Column: The Currently Incurable Scientist

Jul 24, 2015
The Currently Incurable Scientist: Turning a Cold CRC Tumor Hot

Aug 08, 2015
Anti-4-1BB (CD137) Immunotherapy - e.g. Urelumab CRC Trial

Aug 13, 2015
The Currently Incurable Scientist: The Future of anti-EGFR Therapy?

Aug 18, 2015
Pushing for Lung RFA & the Power of Hope

Aug 20, 2015
RRx-001 Phase 1 Clinical Trial Results Published in Lancet Oncology

Aug 21, 2015
Anti-Immunosuppression PD-1 Co-therapies for CRC (Reply to Jortego128’s Bavituximab for Rectal Adenocarcinoma... post)

Aug 31, 2015
New PD-1 Inhibitor Combo Studies for CRC (All or MSS Specific)

Sep 08, 2015
Immunotherapy Suggestion: Add MSI/MSS Status to Your Signature Line (Explained)

Sep 15, 2015
Currently Incurable Scientist: Putting out the Inflammation Fire (Xilonix)

Sep 22, 2015
TAS-102 FDA Approved!

Oct 01, 2015
Neon Therapeutics - TIL ImmunoTherapy

Oct 11, 2015
Sneak Peek - Major MSI Education Project

Oct 13, 2015
The Currently Incurable Scientist:Releasing the PD-1 Brakes in MSI-High CRC Patients

Oct 14, 2015
The Faces of Successful Colorectal Cancer Immunotherapies Vol. 1

Oct 17, 2015
FPA008 (anti-CSF1r) + PD-1 Inhibitor Deal Announced (Trial Already Started)

Oct 18, 2015
MSS-CRC Immunotherapy Phase 1 Trial at Johns Hopkins (PD-1 + Epigenetic Drugs)

Nov 2, 2015
Two more PD-(L)1 Combo Trials Hoped to Make MSS-CRC Tumors "Hot" Towards the Immune System (IDO1 & CD73)

Nov 9, 2015
Impacts of Gut Bacteria (probiotics) on Immune Response to Tumors - anti-PD(L)1 Synergy but also taken alone.

Nov 17, 2015
The Currently Incurable Scientist: REPROGRAMMING A TUMOR FOR DEATH (RRx-001)

Nov 24, 2015
RRx-001 Phase 2 Trial: New East Coast Site

Dec 6, 2015
Merck (anti-PD-1) + Amgen (anti-CSF1R) CRC Immunotherapy Trial Announcement

Jan 12. 2016
BMS (major Opdivo & Yervoy immunotherapy company) announces their 2016 strategic plans, including MSS-CRC at the JP Morgan Healthcare company

Jan 15, 2016
New Immunotherapy Combo Trial Open to both MSI-high & MSS CRC (CPI-444; adenosine-A2A combo)

Jan 22, 2016
Potential new biomarker to identify Stage 2 CRC patients who would benefit from chemotherapy

Jan 25, 2016
New MSS CRC Phase 1 Trial: PF-06671008 (P-cadherin targeting)

Jan 28, 2016
BBI-608 Clinical Trial Update

Feb 4, 2016
Personalized Immunotherapy: Therapeutic Vaccines

Feb 6, 2016
New MSS-CRC Immunotherapy Trial: JNJ-61610588 (anti-VISTA)

Feb 10, 2016
MSS-CRC Immunotherapy Trial: AM0010

Feb 15, 2016
For KRAS-Mutant CRC: PD-1 Combination Trial with cobimetinib (MEK inhibitor)

Feb 26, 2016
DK's Personal Cancer Research Science Project

March 19, 2016
New MSS Trial: anti-CSF1R "AMG 820" + anti-PD1

March 19, 2016
MSS Trial: Anti-CD27 (Varlilumab) and Anti-PD-1 (Nivolumab)

April 4, 2016
Crowdfunding a New CRC Trial at UCSD (Pulse High Dosed erlotinib)

April 8, 2016
CCR2 Antag Clinical Immunotherapy Activity Against a "Cold" Tumor Type (Not CRC but Keep Reading!)

April 15, 2016
AACR-2016 Clinical Trial Poster Abstracts: IMMU-130, CFI-400945, AM0010



April 20, 2016
AACR-2016 Trial Data Release + 1st MSS-CRC Combo-Immunotherapy Trial Results Announcement for ASCO-2016

May 2, 2016
New MSS-CRC Immunotherapy Trial - PDL1/CTLA4/FOLFOX - Liver-only Mets

New MSS-CRC Immunotherapy Trial: TIL Trial at MD Anderson

May 3, 2016
New MSS-CRC Immunotherapy Trial: Erbitux+Keytruda

May 18, 2016
BIG (BIG!) MSS-CRC Immunotherapy News Out of ASCO! (MEKi + PDL1i)

May 20, 2016
French MSS-CRC Trial (PDL1 + anti-CSF1R)

May 24, 2016
MDA Personalized Therapeutic Vaccine Now Recruiting

May 31, 2016
New MSS-Elegible PDL1 Combo Trial (RO6895882, CEA-targetted IL2)

June 2, 2016
READ! PHASE 3 MSS-CRC Immunotherapy Trial Just Registered!! (Cobi + Atezo)

June 5, 2016
Today's ASCO-2016 Oral Presentation on MSS-CRC PDL1-MEK Immunotherapy Success

June 5, 2016
ASCO-2016: Updated PD1 vs PD1-CTLA4 Immunotherapy for MSI-high CRC

June 11, 2016
Global Randomized Phase 3 Clinical Trial for BRAF-mut CRC

June 15, 2016
Phase 2 Clinical Trial: BAX69 + either 5-FU or Panitumumab SoC

June 15, 2016
BRAF-Mutant Small Bowel Cancer (or other rare cancers)

June 15, 2016
New RRx-001 Non-Randomized Trial (Northern CA & NJ)

June 24, 2016
Interview with Clinical Trial Principal Investigator of MSS-CRC MEK-PDL1 Immunotherapy Breakthrough

August 3, 2016
MSS-CRC: New Oncolytic Virus + PD1 Inhibitor Trial

August 7, 2016
Combination of radiotherapy (radiation) with PD1 immunotherapy in MSS-CRC

August 19, 2016
New MSS-CRC PD1 Immunotherapy Trial in MINNESOTA

August 19, 2016
Cleveland Clinic: New CRC Targeted Therapy Trial

September 2, 2016
Immunotherapy Trial: Patients WITH Brain Metastases

September 18,2016
New MSS-CRC Immunotherapy Trial: Arginase Inhibitor CB-1158

September 23, 2016
Big Trial Announcement: MSS-CRC/KRAS-Mut TCR Cellular Immunotherapy Trial from Kite Pharma

September 26, 2016
***My personal project***

September 27, 2016
MSS-CRC: PD1/NKTR-214 Combo Trial Announcement

September 29, 2016
Fasting and Chemo: My Take on It

October 1, 2016
Citizen Science: Reporting of FASTING and Chemo Results

October 16, 2016
***My Personal Trial***

November 4, 2016
Big New MSS-CRC Immmunotherapy Trial: anti-CD47

November 19, 2016
Peri Mets / MSS-CRC Immunotherapy Trial (Oncolytic Virus + anti-PDL1)

November 20, 2016
A Potential MSS-CRC Immunotherapy From an AIDS Drug Start: The CCR5 Receptor Antagonist Maraviroc

December 7, 2016
MSS-CRC Trial: Phase 2 Study of GVAX (With CY) and Pembrolizumab in MMR-p Advanced Colorectal Cancer

December 7, 2016
MSS-CRC Immunotherapy Trial: CEA-CD3 Bifunctional + PDL1 Inhibitor

January 4, 2017

July 6, 2017
My personal choice for best ASCO-2017 MSS CRC Clinical Trial and Presentation
Last edited by DK37 on Thu Jul 06, 2017 3:38 pm, edited 57 times in total.
6/4/2012 Dx Stage 3C CRC @ 40 yo. MSS, KRAS-WT, BRAF-WT, p53-mut
2/13 NED!
8/13 Enlarged lymphs - Stable
10/14 Stage IV. Lung & Lymph mets. 5-FU+bev
3/15 Cetuximab
11/15 FOLFIRI + bev
11/16 Signs of FOLFIRI resistance (Lymph mets)
1/17 Palliative radiation for resistant mets
2/17 FOLFIRI + bev + Maraviroc (off-label)
3/17 FOLFIRI + Erbitux + Maraviroc (off-label)
MSS-CRC Clinical Trial Finder:
2016 Colondar 2.0 Model
DK37 Science Posts List

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Re: DK37 Science Posts List

Postby DK37 » Sat Jan 30, 2016 10:27 pm

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Re: DK37 Science Posts List

Postby CRguy » Thu Oct 19, 2017 4:50 pm

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Re: DK37 Science Posts List

Postby GrouseMan » Tue Nov 27, 2018 1:54 pm

OK since DK (Tom) has passed and we all miss him. And I see that few science posts have been made in a while - I thought I would post a link to something I read this morning concerning a Mushroom extract used in Taiwan that had been used to treat several conditions in folk medicine including bowel cancer. Being a former Drug Discovery chemist doing anticancer research, I have often had occasion to examine plant derived compounds as potential anti-cancer drugs. Typically we isolate the active ingredients and test them look for the one with the most activity and then modify it to make it a better drug candidate.

The paper I am linking to create a extract from the Antrodia cinnamomea mushroom that only grows on a particular type of tree in Asia. They found that a particular isolated fraction containing several natural product carboxylic acids seem to be quite active against many colon cancer cell lines we use in research - they tested about 6 of them and the extract was active against all of them to some degree or other. That is pretty good as some of these are resistant to some other chemotherapy agents. On very close examination using methods that are over even my head not being a molecular biologist they determined that this extract worked on the CHOP/TRB3/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway in colorectal cancer cells. They showed this to be the case in isolated tumor cells as well as in mouse xenographs and in a dose response manner. BTW this was all via direct exposure of the tumor cells to the extracts in a dish or via injection into the blood stream in the mouse.

Of course this is all very early and basic work. There have been many studies of these sorts of extracts from this mushroom showing activity against a couple of different cancers but until now no one knew what the mechanism of action was. So - it may one day provide another natural product derived anti-cancer drug now that they have some idea how the extract works and what the major components of the extract are.

Here is a link to the paper - Antrodia cinnamomea induces autophagic cell death via the CHOP/TRB3/Akt/mTOR pathway in colorectal cancer cells:

Its rather technical but I found it an interesting read.

DW 53 dx Jun 2013
CT mets Liver Spleen lung. IVb CEA~110
Jul 2013 Sig Resct
8/13 FolFox,Avastin 12Tx mild sfx, Ongoing 5-FU Avastin every 3 wks.
CEA: good marker
7/7/14 CT Can't see the spleen Mets.
8/16/15 CEA Up, CT new abdominal mets. Iri, 5-FU, Avastin every 2 wks.
1/16 Iri, Erbitux and likely Avastin (Trial) CEA going >.
1/17 CEA up again dropped from Trial, Mets growth 4-6 mm in abdomen
5/2/17 Failed second trial, Hospitalized 15 days 5/11. Home Hospice 5/26, at peace 6/4/2017

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Re: DK37 Science Posts List

Postby cartech78 » Tue Nov 27, 2018 6:29 pm

Did i read the study right that it could work good with 5fu? Couldn’t make out if they were saying it was good with 5fu or diminished 5fu efficacy. Im on 2g of curcumin, 3g of micronized resveratrol, and low dose aspirin currently With my Folfox regimen. Interested in trying this if it plays well with Folfox.
40 Y/o male
Dx 10/5/18 stage lV CRC
Sg colon
23 inoperable liver mets largest 4.5 cm
Colon resection 10/6/18 clean margins
Starting FolFox on 11/18
2nd opinion at MSK on 12/18
HAI pump installed on 3/6/2019 also found 20 more small tumors on liver scans missed
7/2/2019 MRI and CT show only 2 liver tumors visible and they are shrunk by 3/4
11/25/19- Liver resection at MSK- got out all cancer and am NED. More scans and mop up chemo to follow.
1 month Scan clear! Jun/20 scans still clear. Off chemo since 3/20

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Re: DK37 Science Posts List

Postby GrouseMan » Wed Nov 28, 2018 12:40 am

cartech78 wrote:Did i read the study right that it could work good with 5fu? Couldn’t make out if they were saying it was good with 5fu or diminished 5fu efficacy. Im on 2g of curcumin, 3g of micronized resveratrol, and low dose aspirin currently With my Folfox regimen. Interested in trying this if it plays well with Folfox.

It was used as a control to compare gene expression following treatment with 5-FU to that with treatment using the ACF2 extract. They were not used together in this paper. I suspect that they might be synergetic but that experiment would have to be done. Also note - even if you can find this extract used in this paper it would have to be prepared fresh, as I suspect it would degrade rather quickly being a mixture of very polar molecules. On going back and reading the actual Mouse experimental details it appears they give the extract orally once daily at 100, 200, and 400 mg/kg body weight. This surprises me as I would expect that the complex polar compounds found in the extract (a lot of complex carboxylic acids) would not survive oral administration and be sufficiently systemically bioavailable. If you weigh about 80 Kg you would have to take 32 grams of this per day at the highest dose. Something like 2.2 tablespoons of this extract per day. That's probably not going to go over very well in your GI track.

I think a lot more work needs to be done with these things, but it is still interesting now that they have a much better idea of their mechanism of action. Its still quite a mixture of chemicals and it might still be hard to determine which ones provide this profile or if its several acting on different parts of the signaling pathway at this point.


DW 53 dx Jun 2013
CT mets Liver Spleen lung. IVb CEA~110
Jul 2013 Sig Resct
8/13 FolFox,Avastin 12Tx mild sfx, Ongoing 5-FU Avastin every 3 wks.
CEA: good marker
7/7/14 CT Can't see the spleen Mets.
8/16/15 CEA Up, CT new abdominal mets. Iri, 5-FU, Avastin every 2 wks.
1/16 Iri, Erbitux and likely Avastin (Trial) CEA going >.
1/17 CEA up again dropped from Trial, Mets growth 4-6 mm in abdomen
5/2/17 Failed second trial, Hospitalized 15 days 5/11. Home Hospice 5/26, at peace 6/4/2017

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Re: DK37 Science Posts List

Postby cartech78 » Wed Nov 28, 2018 1:25 am

Thanks for the reply! Yeah you’re right that is a shit ton of that stuff to take. Maybe if they can synthesize the stuff and mix it with pepper extract like curcumin it would be better absorbed. That science is miles and miles over my head. I wish we could get more money to go to research of these types of things. Im fairly certain there is something out there that can be taken with Standard Chemo to put it in overdrive. In the meantime I will keep popping supplements with just enough info to be dangerous :P
40 Y/o male
Dx 10/5/18 stage lV CRC
Sg colon
23 inoperable liver mets largest 4.5 cm
Colon resection 10/6/18 clean margins
Starting FolFox on 11/18
2nd opinion at MSK on 12/18
HAI pump installed on 3/6/2019 also found 20 more small tumors on liver scans missed
7/2/2019 MRI and CT show only 2 liver tumors visible and they are shrunk by 3/4
11/25/19- Liver resection at MSK- got out all cancer and am NED. More scans and mop up chemo to follow.
1 month Scan clear! Jun/20 scans still clear. Off chemo since 3/20

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Re: DK37 Science Posts List

Postby CRguy » Thu Nov 29, 2018 6:50 pm

GrouseMan wrote:OK since DK (Tom) has passed and we all miss him...
And I see that few science posts have been made in a while - I thought I would post a link to something I read this morning ...


Thanks GrouseMan
you are a valued member of this family and any input here, especially science / tech based is much appreciated !

Yes ... we do all miss Tom, and since Maia has also been MIA lately :(
I admit we could use some more input in this topic.

Cheers and Best wishes
Caregiver x 5
Stage IV A rectal cancer/lung met
18 Year survivor
my life is an ongoing totally randomized UNcontrolled experiment with N=1 !
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Re: DK37 Science Posts List

Postby GrouseMan » Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:00 pm

OK - I know plenty of you have an interest in MSI, MSS and TMB with regards to Immunotherapy agent usage. There have been a number of studies publish in the last year or so, but I have found the following ones to be quite interesting, and I am hopeful that before long more people will have their tumors profiled for TMB (Tumor Mutation Burden). The first paper is the following:

Unfortunately I don't have a subscription to this journal so I can't access the paper at this time directly. Perhaps if I make a trip to the university I can get a copy of the paper. However - The following link I feel does a very good job of reporting the results of the above paper very well. ... unotherapy

In these paper they point out different solid tumor types have different TMB cutoff levels where Immunotherapy drugs have a significant benefit. For Colon Cancer they indicate a TMB of about 52. But I suspect there are exceptions where lower than this immunotherapy is still useful. The following paper is also quite interesting. ... 018-0285-5

It is quite detailed. Note all these papers I presented so far concern overall TMB for multiple tumor types. Thing is most of the data so far has been for Melanoma and NSCLC where these immunotherapy drugs have been approved the longest and the vast majority of patients have come from. So its probably a bit biased towards the TMB numbers associated with these tumor types.

Here is a citation just concerned with Colon Cancer MSI, MSS and TMB

Again I am sorry I don't have access to the last one directly either, but hopefully can get to a major research library sometime soon to read it. These are all very recent research publications. (Jan 2019) Hope everyone considering use of one of the immunotherapy drugs has a look, and armed with this new data perhaps can talk their oncologist into doing appropriate testing and consider these new treatments.


DW 53 dx Jun 2013
CT mets Liver Spleen lung. IVb CEA~110
Jul 2013 Sig Resct
8/13 FolFox,Avastin 12Tx mild sfx, Ongoing 5-FU Avastin every 3 wks.
CEA: good marker
7/7/14 CT Can't see the spleen Mets.
8/16/15 CEA Up, CT new abdominal mets. Iri, 5-FU, Avastin every 2 wks.
1/16 Iri, Erbitux and likely Avastin (Trial) CEA going >.
1/17 CEA up again dropped from Trial, Mets growth 4-6 mm in abdomen
5/2/17 Failed second trial, Hospitalized 15 days 5/11. Home Hospice 5/26, at peace 6/4/2017

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Re: DK37 Science Posts List

Postby GrouseMan » Thu Sep 12, 2019 2:03 pm

OK - Its been a while since I posed anything scientifically interesting. But I saw an publication in Science Translational Medicine ( 11 Sep 2019: Vol. 11, Issue 509 ) which I found very compelling. Title:

Off-target toxicity is a common mechanism of action of cancer drugs undergoing clinical trials.

Seems some mechanisms of action for clinical candidates might be in error or have more to do with other cytotoxic effects than the proposed mechanism that brought them to the clinic in the first place. First off I'll provide a link to the original work. I read about this first and pondered it for a while as to if I should post about it.

Now this is very technical and I hardly understand the full methodology they used in this myself. I am not a Biologist (instead a drug discovery chemist) and don't understand completely how these methods work. Needless to say drug discovery chemists believe we are targeting the correct mechanism when we are working on doing drug discovery. Generally - in this work they are setting up common cancer cell lines NOT to produce the target proteins that the clinical candidate drugs are supposedly the substrate for. I was worried about trying to summarize this for everyone such that it would be accessible to some of you. But then another forum I read called In The Pipeline had a discussion about this paper today. Its link is here. Derek does a better job summarizing it than I could. ... ot-be-real

This has some interesting implications to me. We often talk about doing genetic testing to see what mutations tumors have so the Oncologist can tailor treatment. Select inhibitors (Drugs) based on cancer mutations these drugs might target. As indicated in the original publication, some targets might actually be misidentified. This could be why often directed therapy hasn't been as successful as we believed it should have been. Could be the target of the drug isn't what we think it is? Hopefully this get more wide spread consideration and further research perhaps into existing drugs targeting tumors.

I added the following later in the day 9/12/2019:

it seems there is some commentary I saw later today from the latest issue of Science Magazine. ... id=2985387

I hope this gives you all something to think about.

Good Luck

Last edited by GrouseMan on Fri Sep 13, 2019 12:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
DW 53 dx Jun 2013
CT mets Liver Spleen lung. IVb CEA~110
Jul 2013 Sig Resct
8/13 FolFox,Avastin 12Tx mild sfx, Ongoing 5-FU Avastin every 3 wks.
CEA: good marker
7/7/14 CT Can't see the spleen Mets.
8/16/15 CEA Up, CT new abdominal mets. Iri, 5-FU, Avastin every 2 wks.
1/16 Iri, Erbitux and likely Avastin (Trial) CEA going >.
1/17 CEA up again dropped from Trial, Mets growth 4-6 mm in abdomen
5/2/17 Failed second trial, Hospitalized 15 days 5/11. Home Hospice 5/26, at peace 6/4/2017

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Re: DK37 Science Posts List

Postby CRguy » Thu Sep 12, 2019 6:16 pm

Thanks GrouseMan, very interesting indeed.

I can't say I have digested all the info yet BUTT I think the more we learn,
the more we know we NEED to learn, and this would seem to be a case in point.

Whether the discoveries come from inspiration, desperation, exasperation or good old perspiration !!!!
Good science WILL always lead us to where we need to be.

Caregiver x 5
Stage IV A rectal cancer/lung met
18 Year survivor
my life is an ongoing totally randomized UNcontrolled experiment with N=1 !
Review of my Journey so far

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Re: DK37 Science Posts List

Postby GrouseMan » Fri Oct 04, 2019 12:16 pm

Here is something interesting I came across today. It concerns supplemental Anti-oxidants and NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) in particular. Have a look at the following post in The Pipeline by Derek Lowe. ... rning-shot

Implications here as I see it is that the use of Anti-Oxidants as we age - permits formation of cancers because cells under oxidative stress as we age don't die as they should and instead under anti-oxidant supplementation live to form cancerous cells. So trying to prevent oxidation is not helping as we get older but likely stabilizing damaged cells that we want to die.


DW 53 dx Jun 2013
CT mets Liver Spleen lung. IVb CEA~110
Jul 2013 Sig Resct
8/13 FolFox,Avastin 12Tx mild sfx, Ongoing 5-FU Avastin every 3 wks.
CEA: good marker
7/7/14 CT Can't see the spleen Mets.
8/16/15 CEA Up, CT new abdominal mets. Iri, 5-FU, Avastin every 2 wks.
1/16 Iri, Erbitux and likely Avastin (Trial) CEA going >.
1/17 CEA up again dropped from Trial, Mets growth 4-6 mm in abdomen
5/2/17 Failed second trial, Hospitalized 15 days 5/11. Home Hospice 5/26, at peace 6/4/2017

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Re: DK37 Science Posts List

Postby GrouseMan » Wed Feb 26, 2020 3:14 pm

OK - Here is a new post on Vitamin C. We have in the past had members of this forum try High dose IV Vitamin C infusions to treat their cancers. Its been long held that this has anti-cancer properties, but so far not enough evidence, and certainly - I doubt it has done little more that stem the tide a little with members of this forum that tried it and passed. Well seems it just might have some effect when used along with Immunotherapy treatment.

High-dose vitamin C enhances cancer immunotherapy: Science Translational Medicine 26 Feb 2020: Vol. 12, Issue 532, eaay8707
See: ... id=3222322

Seems bottom line is, Combination of Vitamin C and Immune Checkpoint Therapy can be curative in models of mismatch repair–deficient tumors with high mutational burden. This work provides a rationale for clinical trials combining Immune Checkpoint Therapy with high doses of Vitamin C. This work was done in a mouse model and includes colon cancer tumor types.

This looks promising and hopefully someone will attempt a clinical trial using high dose Vitamin C, in connection with an Immune Checkpoint Therapy such a PL-1 etc. I was always skeptical of Vitamin C therapy as its been extensively studied but never has panned out in the clinic. Maybe this will help some with MSI High mutational burdened patients.


DW 53 dx Jun 2013
CT mets Liver Spleen lung. IVb CEA~110
Jul 2013 Sig Resct
8/13 FolFox,Avastin 12Tx mild sfx, Ongoing 5-FU Avastin every 3 wks.
CEA: good marker
7/7/14 CT Can't see the spleen Mets.
8/16/15 CEA Up, CT new abdominal mets. Iri, 5-FU, Avastin every 2 wks.
1/16 Iri, Erbitux and likely Avastin (Trial) CEA going >.
1/17 CEA up again dropped from Trial, Mets growth 4-6 mm in abdomen
5/2/17 Failed second trial, Hospitalized 15 days 5/11. Home Hospice 5/26, at peace 6/4/2017

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Re: DK37 Science Posts List

Postby CRguy » Sat Feb 29, 2020 9:06 pm

Thanks for that updated info GrouseMan

I was always skeptical of Vitamin C therapy as its been extensively studied but never has panned out in the clinic.
Maybe this will help some with MSI High mutational burdened patients.

That would be most welcome !!!!

Caregiver x 5
Stage IV A rectal cancer/lung met
18 Year survivor
my life is an ongoing totally randomized UNcontrolled experiment with N=1 !
Review of my Journey so far

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Re: DK37 Science Posts List

Postby GrouseMan » Mon Mar 02, 2020 10:46 am

Follow up about Vitamin C. I recommend a quick read of the following which gives some perspective and is bound to result in some discussion on Derek's Blog Forums. This is from In the Pipeline by Derek Lowe a Medicinal Chemist who is a well known blogger, of Chemistry and Drug Discovery: ... o-oncology

In this he discusses this latest research from the Italian team on Vitamin C I posted on previously with work done by Linus Pauling a two time Nobel Prize winning chemist. Being a chemist myself I greatly admired Professor Pauling but still took his thoughts and research on Vitamin C with a grain of salt!


DW 53 dx Jun 2013
CT mets Liver Spleen lung. IVb CEA~110
Jul 2013 Sig Resct
8/13 FolFox,Avastin 12Tx mild sfx, Ongoing 5-FU Avastin every 3 wks.
CEA: good marker
7/7/14 CT Can't see the spleen Mets.
8/16/15 CEA Up, CT new abdominal mets. Iri, 5-FU, Avastin every 2 wks.
1/16 Iri, Erbitux and likely Avastin (Trial) CEA going >.
1/17 CEA up again dropped from Trial, Mets growth 4-6 mm in abdomen
5/2/17 Failed second trial, Hospitalized 15 days 5/11. Home Hospice 5/26, at peace 6/4/2017

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