SUPPORT GROUPS - Local Nationwide Please List Yours!

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Re: SUPPORT GROUPS - Local Nationwide Please List Yours!

Postby Hopeforacure » Tue Nov 06, 2012 3:18 pm

Anyone or any groups in NH I live about 45 min from boston, mass so not to far away from the boarder. I have stage 4 and only recently been able to say that out loud yet i do not own this and will recover i have 2 little girls that need me and I need them. I would love to hear from surviors and friends who are going threw this!
thank you,

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Re: SUPPORT GROUPS - Local Nationwide Please List Yours!

Postby Angiemarie2000 » Wed Nov 14, 2012 1:13 pm


I don't know about support groups in your area, but I wanted to let you know that we are here for you. This forum has been a great support to me. I am stage 4 and I have 2 young daughters as well, so I know how you feel and what your going through. I'm here, we are all here to help.

5/12- @ 37 DX IV KRASmt
5/12- R. Hemi
6/12- Folfox/avastin-(Bad Reaction)
6/12- xeliri-7rds
CEA-DX @ 80 then 11,10,7,14,25,210,340,540,900
12/12-R. Ovary removed
01/13- folfox 4 rounds
03/13- folfox failed, in liver failure, starting regorafebin.


Re: SUPPORT GROUPS - Local Nationwide Please List Yours!

Postby MSS » Tue Nov 27, 2012 4:56 pm

Is anyone in or around Athens, GA? My dad is there and was just diagnosed. We're clueless and scared. Thanks, Margo

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Re: SUPPORT GROUPS - Local Nationwide Please List Yours!

Postby Candyys03 » Tue Nov 27, 2012 7:02 pm

Hope and MSS and anyone else looking for a support group.
You can call The American Cancer Society 1-800-227-2345.You will be directed to your local ACS office
and they will be able to tell you what support groups they have listed for your area.


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Re: SUPPORT GROUPS - Local Nationwide Please List Yours!

Postby MargoWrites » Fri Nov 30, 2012 11:07 am

Candyys03 wrote:Hope and MSS and anyone else looking for a support group.
You can call The American Cancer Society 1-800-227-2345.You will be directed to your local ACS office
and they will be able to tell you what support groups they have listed for your area.


Thank you! I will call them. I am MSS though now that I'm "officially" in the club my username is MargoWrites. Bless you and thank you. I had no idea how supportive everyone would be. Margo :lol:

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Re: Minnesota COLONTOWN

Postby Kathryn in MN » Thu Dec 20, 2012 8:14 pm

Informal support and advocacy gatherings in MN with our COLONTOWN Minnesota group. We do also have some Wisconsin members who are near the border. Meetings are in the Twin Cities areas. Unlike our two C.A.R.S. groups that meet on a set schedule, this group has occasional informal in person gatherings, and also participates in local and national advocacy, along with participation in an online FaceBook based support group for lower GI diseases (Lynch, FAP, Chron's Colitis, Colon Cancer, Rectal Cancer, Anal Cancer and more). Contact Kathryn for more info if you'd like to join us. or 612.220.9626
CRC AUG09 Age 47
Sig Res T4a N2a Mx, KRAS mut codon13
Mets bones & nodes
FOLFOX, FOLFIRI, Avastin, Radiation
Irinotecan, Zaltrap & STAR RFA
APR13 pleurisy & ascites - more chemo & draining

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Postby Rheaeliza » Thu Jan 10, 2013 12:09 pm


I just had my first meeting with a support group for Young Adults with cancer. It's for any type of cancer patient age 20-39. A small group so far but I really like it, and one other lady in the group in her 30's with stage 3 colorectal cancer.

It's through Cancer Care and we meet every Wednesday from 5:30pm-7pm in Chelsea in Manhattan. The group facilitator is named Kristen and can be reached at to sign up.

Good luck all!
12/7/12: 30 yrs. old, Dx stage 4b.mets to liver, ovary, nodes, ommentum.
7 months chemo, shrinkage!
8/26/13 HIPEC, colon resection,hysterectomy, appndx, gallbladder out.
9/12/13:leak in colon, temp. loop ileost, home 9/18
11/3/13: liver resect.
1/2014 Ostomy reversal, one week later, abcess surg., fistula, tpn.
No more chemo, NED since 11/13

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Re: SUPPORT GROUPS - Local Nationwide Please List Yours!

Postby clisa2569 » Sat Jan 12, 2013 11:53 pm

Owensboro Ky. All types cancer and survivors support group
Our first meeting will be Jan 30th we will be having monthly meeting the last wed of every month
Please contact me for more information 270-903-2641

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Re: SUPPORT GROUPS - Local Nationwide Please List Yours!

Postby Angiemarie2000 » Sun Feb 03, 2013 6:47 am

I didn't see any for Orlando Florida or even close by. Anyone know of anything around here?

5/12- @ 37 DX IV KRASmt
5/12- R. Hemi
6/12- Folfox/avastin-(Bad Reaction)
6/12- xeliri-7rds
CEA-DX @ 80 then 11,10,7,14,25,210,340,540,900
12/12-R. Ovary removed
01/13- folfox 4 rounds
03/13- folfox failed, in liver failure, starting regorafebin.


Re: SUPPORT GROUPS - Local Nationwide Please List Yours!

Postby ajouteast » Wed Feb 13, 2013 12:29 pm

Does anyone know of a support group in the Philadelphia or South Jersey area?

Thanks so much for any assistance.


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Re: SUPPORT GROUPS - Local Nationwide Please List Yours!

Postby Mummabear » Tue Mar 05, 2013 7:15 am

Looking for a group in Southern, Maine or Seacoast NH
Husband diagnosed stage 4 rectal cancer 4/2012 at age 41
Rec,col, lymph, liver, lungs & spleen
Ileostomy April 2012
12 oxaliplatin, 5fu,leukavorin, avastin
21treatments chemo
Avastin -discontinued
Free from cancer 01/20/14 rest in peace my love

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Re: SUPPORT GROUPS - Local Nationwide Please List Yours!

Postby jerseydevil63 » Sat May 11, 2013 8:00 am

My daughter has colon cancer. Operation on 6/27/13. Really need a support group near west palm bch fl

unregistered guest

Re: SUPPORT GROUPS - Local Nationwide Please List Yours!

Postby unregistered guest » Wed Jun 26, 2013 9:21 am

Everyone can look at the Cancer Support Community. I believe they were previously the Wellness Community, and merged with Gilda's Group, the group started by Gilda Radner's husband (Gene Wilder) after her death.

I attend a men's support group twice a month and it has been instrumental in me maintaining some level of (in)sanity.

They have centers all around the country/world. So look, there may be something near you.


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Re: SUPPORT GROUPS - Local Nationwide Please List Yours!

Postby thequantumvacuum » Tue Jul 09, 2013 8:54 pm

ajouteast wrote:Does anyone know of a support group in the Philadelphia or South Jersey area?

Thanks so much for any assistance.


AJ, let me know if you find one. Im in your area and have been unable to find one. I may try to start one if I cant find one.

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does anyone know any support groups in australia

Postby chrisnellany » Sun Sep 08, 2013 2:35 pm

does anyone know any support groups in australia

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