For Stage III's: NED for how long now?

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Re: For Stage III's: NED for how long now?

Postby Pagola44 » Tue Aug 22, 2023 6:40 am

Kekeg wrote:Stage 3B, now 11 years Out!

great news!
29m Male.
DX: CC, Right Hepatic Flexure, 4cm, T3, G2, M0
Stage III3B , Positive lymph nodes: (2/20)
Baseline CEA value: 1.98
LVI and PNI: absent
Surgical margins: clear
No lynch Syndrome or MSI
Primary surgery type: Laparascopic

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Re: For Stage III's: NED for how long now?

Postby Pagola44 » Tue Aug 22, 2023 7:39 am

it seems a lot of people had reoccurrences :(
29m Male.
DX: CC, Right Hepatic Flexure, 4cm, T3, G2, M0
Stage III3B , Positive lymph nodes: (2/20)
Baseline CEA value: 1.98
LVI and PNI: absent
Surgical margins: clear
No lynch Syndrome or MSI
Primary surgery type: Laparascopic

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Re: For Stage III's: NED for how long now?

Postby Peregrine » Tue Aug 22, 2023 11:12 am

Pagola44 wrote:it seems a lot of people had reoccurrences :(

Yes, that might be true. However, the "Three Pillars of Survivorship" are still the best insurance against recurrences, especially the third pillar, "Stress Reduction".

Please read, and re-read the following post:

If you want to minimize your chances of having a recurrence, you need to focus on the positive side of things, not the negative side. This is because persistent focus on the dark side of things will severely undercut your immune system due to the elevation of stress level.

You need to explore the different options for lowering your stress level.

For example, "Think a positive thought to drown out a negative thought..."

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Re: For Stage III's: NED for how long now?

Postby Pagola44 » Tue Aug 22, 2023 5:42 pm

Peregrine wrote:
Pagola44 wrote:it seems a lot of people had reoccurrences :(

Yes, that might be true. However, the "Three Pillars of Survivorship" are still the best insurance against recurrences, especially the third pillar, "Stress Reduction".

Please read, and re-read the following post:

If you want to minimize your chances of having a recurrence, you need to focus on the positive side of things, not the negative side. This is because persistent focus on the dark side of things will severely undercut your immune system due to the elevation of stress level.

You need to explore the different options for lowering your stress level.

For example, "Think a positive thought to drown out a negative thought..."

Any peer reviewed studies/sources that confirm this?
Sorry not trying to be rude or anything, but i know lot of stressful people who live long lives.. I don't think there's any direct link to stress and cancer unless of course being stressful leads to an unhealthy lifestyle
29m Male.
DX: CC, Right Hepatic Flexure, 4cm, T3, G2, M0
Stage III3B , Positive lymph nodes: (2/20)
Baseline CEA value: 1.98
LVI and PNI: absent
Surgical margins: clear
No lynch Syndrome or MSI
Primary surgery type: Laparascopic

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beach sunrise
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Re: For Stage III's: NED for how long now?

Postby beach sunrise » Tue Aug 22, 2023 7:31 pm

Research the effects of stress and cancer.
Self motivated research based on others comments for leads and digging deeper on your own can be very helpful for healthy discussions.
8/19 RC CEA 82.6 T3N0M0
5FU/rad 6 wk
IVC 75g 1 1/2 wks before surgery. Continue 2x a week
Surg 1/20 -margins T4bN1a IIIC G2 MSI- 1/20 LN+ LVI+ PNI-
pre cea 24 post 5.9
7 rds 6-10 CEA 11.4 No more
7/20 11.1 8.8
8/20 7.8
9/20 8.8, 9, 8.6
10/20 8.1
11/20 8s
12/20 8s-9s
ADAPT++++ chrono
10/23/22 26.x
12/23/22 22.x
1/5 17.1
1/20 15.9
3/30 14.9
6/12 13.3
Nodule RML SUV 1.3 5mm
Rolles 3 of 4 lung nodules cancer
Chem-sens test failed Not enough ca cells to test

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Re: For Stage III's: NED for how long now?

Postby mgraham » Wed Aug 23, 2023 2:06 pm

Pagola44 wrote:Any peer reviewed studies/sources that confirm this?
Sorry not trying to be rude or anything, but i know lot of stressful people who live long lives.. I don't think there's any direct link to stress and cancer unless of course being stressful leads to an unhealthy lifestyle

I love that you asked this question, good job.

As for the thread topic.. My surgery was performed shortly after my daughter was born and she'll be 9 in a few days. I'm NED about 9 years, yay!

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Re: For Stage III's: NED for how long now?

Postby Pagola44 » Wed Aug 23, 2023 6:35 pm

mgraham wrote:
Pagola44 wrote:Any peer reviewed studies/sources that confirm this?
Sorry not trying to be rude or anything, but i know lot of stressful people who live long lives.. I don't think there's any direct link to stress and cancer unless of course being stressful leads to an unhealthy lifestyle

I love that you asked this question, good job.

As for the thread topic.. My surgery was performed shortly after my daughter was born and she'll be 9 in a few days. I'm NED about 9 years, yay!

Great news!
I'm stage 3b do you think I can survive long?
29m Male.
DX: CC, Right Hepatic Flexure, 4cm, T3, G2, M0
Stage III3B , Positive lymph nodes: (2/20)
Baseline CEA value: 1.98
LVI and PNI: absent
Surgical margins: clear
No lynch Syndrome or MSI
Primary surgery type: Laparascopic

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Re: For Stage III's: NED for how long now?

Postby Pagola44 » Fri Aug 25, 2023 9:15 am

Anyone in here have my diagnosis 3b colon cancer, (not rectal) and had no recurrance? cant really find anyone
29m Male.
DX: CC, Right Hepatic Flexure, 4cm, T3, G2, M0
Stage III3B , Positive lymph nodes: (2/20)
Baseline CEA value: 1.98
LVI and PNI: absent
Surgical margins: clear
No lynch Syndrome or MSI
Primary surgery type: Laparascopic

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Re: For Stage III's: NED for how long now?

Postby Pagola44 » Fri Aug 25, 2023 9:24 am

Okay found a few! good stuff!
29m Male.
DX: CC, Right Hepatic Flexure, 4cm, T3, G2, M0
Stage III3B , Positive lymph nodes: (2/20)
Baseline CEA value: 1.98
LVI and PNI: absent
Surgical margins: clear
No lynch Syndrome or MSI
Primary surgery type: Laparascopic

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Re: For Stage III's: NED for how long now?

Postby mgraham » Sat Aug 26, 2023 9:35 am

Pagola44 wrote:
mgraham wrote:
Pagola44 wrote:Any peer reviewed studies/sources that confirm this?
Sorry not trying to be rude or anything, but i know lot of stressful people who live long lives.. I don't think there's any direct link to stress and cancer unless of course being stressful leads to an unhealthy lifestyle

I love that you asked this question, good job.

As for the thread topic.. My surgery was performed shortly after my daughter was born and she'll be 9 in a few days. I'm NED about 9 years, yay!

Great news!
I'm stage 3b do you think I can survive long?

Of course you can, plenty of us do. :) I met a guy during radiation who also had stage 3 rectal cancer and he's still alive too. Do your best to stay positive and try to not get ahead of yourself. Take things one step at a time.

When is your next scan?

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Re: For Stage III's: NED for how long now?

Postby Pagola44 » Sun Aug 27, 2023 5:08 am

mgraham wrote:Great news!
I'm stage 3b do you think I can survive long?

Of course you can, plenty of us do. :) I met a guy during radiation who also had stage 3 rectal cancer and he's still alive too. Do your best to stay positive and try to not get ahead of yourself. Take things one step at a time.

When is your next scan?[/quote]

I'm starting chemo soon so not sure
but thanks! trying to keep it one step at atime
29m Male.
DX: CC, Right Hepatic Flexure, 4cm, T3, G2, M0
Stage III3B , Positive lymph nodes: (2/20)
Baseline CEA value: 1.98
LVI and PNI: absent
Surgical margins: clear
No lynch Syndrome or MSI
Primary surgery type: Laparascopic

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Re: For Stage III's: NED for how long now?

Postby rdavis12 » Mon Feb 26, 2024 2:21 pm

I was originally diagnosed stage 3 n2 rectal cancer April 2023, had TNT treatment at Duke and my LAR surgery on 12-5-23 my surgery pathology came back all lymph nodes clear down staging me to T3NO so I assume stage 2 or is that wrong? Also had perineural invasion or PNI which I’m freaking out about can anyone offer any insight I all new to this.
Staged T3N1MO at diagnosis 4-23
After TME surgery pathology staged T3NOMO 0/14 nodes involved only other thing on report was Perineural Invasion Present.
6 weeks Radiation Duke
4 mos Capox
CEA-4.7 at Diagnosis
1.8 after Chemo
12-5 LAR surgery
5-4 neg CT CEA 0.9.
Currently in surveillance.

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Re: For Stage III's: NED for how long now?

Postby horizon » Thu Mar 28, 2024 10:16 am

Pagola44 wrote:it seems a lot of people had reoccurrences :(

I know I'm responding to an old post, but you have to keep in mind is that many people who *didn't* have one move on and aren't necessarily posting here. Getting caught up in statistics or correlations can cause you a lot of heartache. Believe me I know.
I'm just a dude who still can't believe he had a resection and went through chemo (currently 13 years NED). Is this real life?

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Re: For Stage III's: NED for how long now?

Postby benben » Fri Mar 29, 2024 8:32 pm

horizon wrote:
Pagola44 wrote:it seems a lot of people had reoccurrences :(

I know I'm responding to an old post, but you have to keep in mind is that many people who *didn't* have one move on and aren't necessarily posting here. Getting caught up in statistics or correlations can cause you a lot of heartache. Believe me I know.

I concur. I am one of those 3b survivors. Today is my 7th year cancerversary.

I was blessed and very grateful for having a straight anastomosis LAR, along with adjuvant folfox for 6 months. No recurrence, officially in the "CURED" statis with statistically no greater chance than anyone else to have colon cancer again.

Lots of us out there.
3/29/17 diagnosed CRC - 44 y/o Male
4/17/17 ULAR - Straight anastomosis - no ostomy.
Path: low grade T3n1m0 - moderate diff.
KRAS - NO, MLH1/PMS2/MSH6/MSH2 - Normal.
5/3 med port install
5/22 folfox - first treatment.
3rd treat, delayed - low ANC - reduced to 90% OXI
zarxio all treats
Treat 7 - 75% OXI
Treats 8-12 - NO OXI, Luke & 5FU
10/20/17 CT- NED
3/18 Scope - Clean
11/8 PORT OUT!
7/22 CT - NED (5 years!)

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Re: For Stage III's: NED for how long now?

Postby beccab1 » Fri Apr 05, 2024 10:26 am

I haven't signed in for years but thought about this group today. I used to check this specific thread so often. Just wanted to share that my husband is now 14 years out from diagnosis and has remained cancer free since finishing treatment. Much love to all! This group helped me keep my sanity through such hard times.
My husband, Eric, dx @ age 35
Stage IIIb RC (T3N1M0), 3/10
Finished 6 weeks rad/xeloda 5/10
Surgery 7/10, Lap LAR, Colonic J Pouch, Temp. Ileostomy
Xelox (5 rounds)
Takedown 12/13/10
Clear CT - 2011-2015

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