For Stage III's: NED for how long now?

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Re: For Stage III's: NED for how long now?

Postby itsfineimanurse » Thu May 20, 2021 12:12 am

Not a huge milestone compared to a lot of you (well done!!) BUTT I graduated from every 3 month scans and labs to every 6 months! Clear colonoscopy last week and clear scans today!

I had to share somewhere where people knew the EXACT feelings that come with news like this! Thanks for "listening" :)

God bless xx
Diagnosed at 34- 2 kids (now 4 and 2)
Dx. T3b N1a RC 01/2020
FOLFOX 01-05/2020
Xeloda + Radiation 06-07/2020
LAR/Diverting Ileostomy 9/2020- Pathological Complete Response!
Clear Scan 11/2020
Ileostomy Reversal 02/2021
Clear Scan 02/2021, 05/2021- graduated from 3 to 6 month scans/labs

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Re: For Stage III's: NED for how long now?

Postby John72 » Fri May 21, 2021 11:13 pm

I don’t know if this really deserves its own thread, so maybe put it here and people can follow his career. I’m a huge baseball fan. In 2019 Trey Mancini of the Baltimore Orioles had a great season after a couple years showing great promise. Then last year at 27 or 28 years old he was diagnosed with Stage 3 colon cancer and missed the whole season. He passed the one year mark a couple months ago and is currently leading the American League in RBI’s, a strong hitting measurement.
7/13/10 CC
7/23/10 -3C RC, 7cm,15/33 lymph nodes
8/31/10 5 1/2 weeks of radiation + Xeloda
11/12/10 6 rounds Oxy + Xeloda
3/25/11 Finished chemo
6/15/11 Colostomy reversal followed by infections
9/05/14 Clear CT scan

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Re: For Stage III's: NED for how long now?

Postby dianetavegia » Sun May 23, 2021 8:13 am

Daryl Strawberry had colon cancer which spread to his kidney way back in 1998 AND 2000.

In 1998, Strawberry was diagnosed with colon cancer and had surgery to remove 24 inches of his colon. When doctors learned the cancer had spread to a nearby lymph node, he underwent chemotherapy, returning to the field in 1999. The cancer returned and spread to his kidney and lymph nodes in 2000, and he underwent more surgery.
With his new book Turn Your Season Around: How God Transforms Your Life publishing next week, Strawberry’s mission to spread his faith and tell others about the lessons he learned through his battles is taking the spotlight.

“[Strawberry’s] new book, coming out Jan. 12, 2021 … deals with everything: the drinking, the addiction, the jail time, the two bouts of colon cancer,” The New York Post‘s Mike Vaccaro writes. “And here Darryl still is, a traveling minister teaching kids the evils of opioids. May he do that for years to come.” ... g-miracle/
Stage III cc surgery 1/7/09. 12 tx FOLFOX
Stage IV PET = 1.5cm liver met. HR 4/11/12

14 years since dx and 11 years post liver resection.
Pronounced CURED and discharged by onc

“O Lord my God, I cried out to You, And You healed me.” Psalms 30:2

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Re: For Stage III's: NED for how long now?

Postby John72 » Sat Jul 24, 2021 5:04 pm

11 years post surgery. I can’t even remember the exact surgery date anymore. I think it was the 22nd.

Actually have to check with my primary care physician and see if I am due for a colonoscopy.
7/13/10 CC
7/23/10 -3C RC, 7cm,15/33 lymph nodes
8/31/10 5 1/2 weeks of radiation + Xeloda
11/12/10 6 rounds Oxy + Xeloda
3/25/11 Finished chemo
6/15/11 Colostomy reversal followed by infections
9/05/14 Clear CT scan

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Re: For Stage III's: NED for how long now?

Postby TiredandTroubled » Sat Jul 31, 2021 4:14 am

Bumping because I need more good news.
29F DX 7/19
CC Sigmoid Colon
5.2 cm x 2.4 cm
Stage III
5/15 positive LN
Baseline CEA: 16
LVI, PNI present
Clear margins
Sigmoid Colectomy

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Re: For Stage III's: NED for how long now?

Postby Jacques » Sat Jul 31, 2021 6:36 am

TiredandTroubled wrote:Bumping because I need more good news.

The good news is this: If you are Stage III and if you diligently adhere to the "Three Pillars of Survivorship", then you are highly likely to finish the 5-year follow-up period in "complete remission". There are many Stage III's here who have successfully taken this path.

O Stoma Mia wrote:There are three pillars of cancer prevention:(1) Regular exercise, (2) Healthy, well-balanced meals, and (3) Stress reduction program. You would need to develop a program to follow in each of these three areas. For you, development of an effective stress reduction program may be the most important, because long-term stress can lead to an impaired immune system, and this is what can encourage cancer to come back:

...Secondary prevention (maintaining a healthy body weight and active lifestyle) is recommended...."

Reference: Follow-Up Care, Surveillance Protocol, and Secondary Prevention Measures for Survivors of Colorectal Cancer:
American Society of Clinical Oncology Clinical Practice Guideline Endorsement
Last edited by Jacques on Thu May 19, 2022 7:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: For Stage III's: NED for how long now?

Postby RickMurtagh » Sat Jul 31, 2021 9:44 pm

I dunno. 10 years maybe. Maybe the little bio thingy at the end of my post will tell me. After all thees years all my doctor appts, etc have been wiped from my calendar on my phone and computers, I still have the CAT scan, MRI , PET scan, fluoroscope, X-ray, ultrasound, etc on my phone "just in case."
Rick, 61
DX III two tumors Feb 09
Chemo/rad March 09
Ileo June 09
FOLFOX July 09
Takedown April 10
Mets to the sacrum and presacral area March 11 - NOT
Chronic infection of sacrum that looked like cancer (including a blockage)!
Permanent ileo April 11

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Re: For Stage III's: NED for how long now?

Postby I_will_fight » Fri Feb 04, 2022 4:10 am

Jacques wrote:The good news is this: If you are Stage III and if you diligently adhere to the "Three Pillars of Survivorship", then you are highly likely to finish the 5-year follow-up period in "complete remission". There are many Stage III's here who have successfully taken this path.

O Stoma Mia wrote:There are three pillars of cancer prevention:(1) Regular exercise, (2) Healthy, well-balanced meals, and (3) Stress reduction program. You would need to develop a program to follow in each of these three areas. For you, development of an effective stress reduction program may be the most important, because long-term stress can lead to an impaired immune system, and this is what can encourage cancer to come back:

...Secondary prevention (maintaining a healthy body weight and active lifestyle) is recommended...."

Reference: Follow-Up Care, Surveillance Protocol, and Secondary Prevention Measures for Survivors of Colorectal Cancer:
American Society of Clinical Oncology Clinical Practice Guideline Endorsement

Thanks for this!

I am visiting those links and taking steps.
46 yo male Spain
06/2020 - 6cm T3N0M0 CC splenic flex
3 and 4 mm lung ground glass
lymp 0/37
KRAS mt G13D
V/LNI absent
PNI present
07/20 - hemicol surg, optimistic surgeon.
11/20 - 4 x CAPOX completed.
12/20 - Clear colonoscopy
02/21 - MRI liver lesion unchanged.
11/21 - Clear CT
02/22- Colonoscopy: Sessil polyp 3mm
05/22- Clear CT
06/22- Negative Signatera
12/22- Negative Signatera
01/23- Clear CT
07/23- Clear CT, normal markers.
09/23 - Negative Signatera
01/24 - Clear CT
01/25 - Clear CT

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Re: For Stage III's: NED for how long now?

Postby Mark67 » Sun Feb 13, 2022 8:22 am

Hello everyone, my first post here.
Ned, diagnosed 2005 at 37 years old.

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Re: For Stage III's: NED for how long now?

Postby Blakeacw » Mon Mar 14, 2022 12:55 pm

Hi Everyone - Update here - got my CT scan on Friday 3/11 - NED -

Just glad to continue to hit each milepost.

Hope this encourages others in their individual battles.....
Colonoscopy 8/2020 - cancer diag. 9cm mass
Colectomy 8/2020 - successful -margins cleared
2 /16 lymph nodes -m1 tumor deposit
Pt3 n1b

Port installed 9/20
Folfox - 10/12 rounds complete

8.6.20 - 8.7 Prior Surgery
9.4.20 - 3.0 Post Surgery
4.14.21 - 2.7
6.16.21 - 3.0
9.29.21 - 2.3
12.13.21 - 2.1
3.17.22 - 2.0
CT Scan 3/18/21 - NED
Signatera 3/16/21 & 6/16 & 9/16 12/13/21 & 3/17/22 & 6/17/22 - ALL 0.0
CT Scan 3/11/22 - NED

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Re: For Stage III's: NED for how long now?

Postby annieliz » Tue Mar 15, 2022 8:50 am

Also posting to encourage others - NED as of scan on 3/4/22, so that's 2 years for me.
Thankful for all of the help I found from the members on this board and for my amazing doctors and family.

66 Female
7/15/19 Colonoscopy
7/26/19 DX: Rectal Adenocarcinoma
CEA 8/8/19-1.9, 12/6/19-2.3, 2/28/20-1.7, 11/27 - 1.9, 2/10/21 - 1.5
8/16/19 - 11/23/19 FOLFOX - 8 rounds
10/9 flex sig ~30% shrinkage 11/27/19-a bit more shrinkage
Neulasta 9/29/19, 10/27/19, 11/24/19
25 days Xeloda and radiation 12/17/2019 - 1/22/20
Robotic LAR 4/14/20 - clear margins - 0/15 nodes
Temp ileostomy - Reversal 7/15 - minor LARS
10/19/20 - clear colonoscopy
2/10/21 - clear CT

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Re: For Stage III's: NED for how long now?

Postby horizon » Mon Mar 28, 2022 5:57 pm

I'm pretty close to hitting 11 years. I can hardly believe it has been that long sometimes.
I'm just a dude who still can't believe he had a resection and went through chemo (currently 13 years NED). Is this real life?

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Re: For Stage III's: NED for how long now?

Postby aquarian_asian » Thu Jun 09, 2022 6:21 am

just hitting here to let you all know that I have crossed 1 yr now after my diagnosis and treatments. Recent MRI & CT scans all clear with CEA too.
I know this is just small acheivement , miles (years) to go. But spreading the positivity to everyone. Thanks folks.
Feb 2021 - Dx Stage3B - rectal cancer (Age is 48, Male)
April 2021 - Radiation - for a week (5 mins x 5 days)
May 2021 - LAR surgery
Pathology: G2, LN+ PVI+, Lymph Nodes 5 out of 22
Temporary Ileostomy
Jun-Aug 2021 - Chemo 4 cycles 3 months (CAPOX)
Feb 2022 - Ileostomy reversal

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Re: For Stage III's: NED for how long now?

Postby John72 » Sat Sep 10, 2022 4:56 pm

Forgot to post. Surgery July 22, 2010 at age 38 for stage 3c rectal cancer w/heavy lymph node involvement. Made 12 years cancer free this year and just turned 50.
7/13/10 CC
7/23/10 -3C RC, 7cm,15/33 lymph nodes
8/31/10 5 1/2 weeks of radiation + Xeloda
11/12/10 6 rounds Oxy + Xeloda
3/25/11 Finished chemo
6/15/11 Colostomy reversal followed by infections
9/05/14 Clear CT scan

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Re: For Stage III's: NED for how long now?

Postby Kekeg » Sun Oct 02, 2022 9:25 pm

Stage 3B, now 11 years Out!
KeKeG age 58
Colon cancer - adneocarcinoma dx 5/2011
Stage III b
Rt colectomy 5/2011
Chemotherapy 6/2011 -2/2012
5FU, leukovorin, irrintocan
PET clear 2012
Lung nodules on chest CT 8/2012, unchanged 12/2012
CT 4/9/2013 NED, nodules unchanged
CT 4/2014 NED, nodules unchanged
CT 4/2015 NED nodules both lungs, unchanged size
CT 5/2016 NED 5 year survivor of Stage IIIB!!

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