Colectomy recovery expectations

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Colectomy recovery expectations

Postby jpdalton » Thu Jan 23, 2025 12:31 pm

Hi all - I've been lurking for a few months, it seems most of these types of groups have migrated to other social media platforms (i.e. facebook) which I initially started looking through but became very discouraged with all the doom & gloom and unmoderated, literally thousands, of groups out there. Even though it seems I've stumbled upon what appears to have once been a very active board, I'm finding some good information here and there which has been helpful. I'm sure this question has been covered a million times in the past, but I was wondering if anyone with a recent experience with having a colectomy could ballpark what to expect after this type of surgery - i.e., how long was it before you were able to get out of a chair without assistance, getting back into a somewhat normal routine, etc. My surgical plan at least going into it is to remove the sigmoid bit of the colon to get the primary tumor. It won't extend down to the rectal area so I'm not expecting to have to have a bag, but I know that's a possibility and I'm ok with it if that's what has to be done. I know that the bowel issues after this type of surgery will just have to work themselves out, and everyone might have their own individual experiences, so just like many of you, I'm prepared to just deal with it and get on with life as best as possible.


Dx 7/24 Stage IV Malignant neoplasm of splenic flexure / mets to liver
DPYD normal metabolizer
KRAS Wildtype
Port placement 8/24
CEA 6.5 (8/24) 1.2 (12/24)
FOLFOX + Pmab 8x as of 12/24
Liver tumors shrunk > 85% 12/24
Colectomy scheduled 2/13/25
Future: liver resection + hepatic infusion pump placement

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beach sunrise
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Re: Colectomy recovery expectations

Postby beach sunrise » Fri Jan 24, 2025 5:08 pm

From your signature it looks like chemo is doing you good. Great!
I don't have any advice for expectations you are asking about but bet someone will come along.
Good luck with surgery. Let us know how it went and how you are doing.
8/19 RC CEA 82.6 T3N0M0
5FU/rad 6 wk
IVC 75g 1 1/2 wks before surgery. Continue 2x a week
Surg 1/20 -margins T4bN1a IIIC G2 MSI- 1/20 LN+ LVI+ PNI-
pre cea 24 post 5.9
7 rds 6-10 CEA 11.4 No more
7/20 11.1 8.8
8/20 7.8
9/20 8.8, 9, 8.6
10/20 8.1
11/20 8s
12/20 8s-9s
ADAPT++++ chrono
10/23/22 26.x
12/23/22 22.x
1/5 17.1
1/20 15.9
3/30 14.9
6/12 13.3
Nodule RML SUV 1.3 5mm
Rolles 3 of 4 lung nodules cancer
Chem-sens test failed Not enough ca cells to test

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Re: Colectomy recovery expectations

Postby JP66 » Wed Jan 29, 2025 10:22 am

Hi Jeff - I've had two surgery's now. They weren't identical to what you are having as my tumor was lower so I ended up with a temporary ileostomy however, I can say that recovery from my first surgery took longer than I hoped, but well within the range that one should expect. I was walking about day 2 in the hospital and went home on day 4 and I was back to daily exercising (and by exercising I simply mean walking on a treadmill and light weights, planks, and squats) about 8 weeks after. Don't know how helpful or not that information is, but there ya go :)

- Joe in NY
Male 58 y/o
TIIIbN+M1 - Stage IV (10/23) - 2 left common iliac lymph nodes metastatic
MSI - MSS; KRAS non-mutant
Modified Neo-adjuvant Therapy (FOLFIRINOX instead of FOLFOX)
tumor 7.4 cm from AV, moderately differentiated
12/23 - 27 treatments rad+Xeloda
03/24 6 FOLFIRINOX infusions
4/24 PET Scan and MRI - tumor gone, lymph nodes normal
5/30/24 TME/LAR + lymphadenectomy of 2 left common iliac LN
7/15/24 6 rounds FOLFOX
CEA (10/23-10/24) 1.8,1.3,1.6, 1.8, 1.6,2.1,2.7
11/19/24 PET Scan - NED

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Joined: Thu Feb 15, 2018 9:47 am
Location: Richmond, VA

Re: Colectomy recovery expectations

Postby crikklekay » Tue Feb 04, 2025 6:11 am

It has been 6 years since my husband’s colectomy, and his was an emergency surgery due to a obstruction so I don’t think it will be a one to one with your experience. We were in the hospital for a total of two weeks, but they kept him longer because he was popping a mystery fever in the evenings. In later surgeries he has had problems with an ileus almost every time which usually sets him back a few days in the hospital. I feel like getting around unassisted took him a couple of weeks, and he was back to work by week six.

His most recent surgery was a failed tumor removal and small intestine diversion, and he has recovered pretty well. It took a week for his gut to wake up, but he was easily walking around the hospital by day two with my help. He only needed my help a little once we got home, mainly anything related to bending/lifting/twisting. We made adjustments to the bed and sofa to make it easier to for him to get up on his own, but he needed help getting back into bed probably a week after we got home. He’s back at work on light duty after 4 weeks post op, and he doesn’t need me to help him much at all! Just with lifting anything around 10 lbs and above.
Caring for DH John
Stage IIIC, Lymph nodes: 6/22
12/17 ER and emergency surgery
02/18 Hospital w/MSSA infected port, PICC line inserted, scan showed septic emboli & blood clots
03/18 Hospital w/CDIFF
08/18 CT Scan Clear, NEMD
2021 PET & MRI show 1 spot on liver
08/21 Liver surgery to remove spot, now Stage IV
09/21 Start Folfiri + Avastin
03/22 CEA Rise, more chemo
06/22 Scans show NED, on maintenance Avastin
09/24 Mesenteric mass found
02/25 Failed surgery and starting Lonsurf

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Joined: Mon Dec 23, 2024 9:49 am

Re: Colectomy recovery expectations

Postby jpdalton » Fri Feb 07, 2025 8:31 am

Thanks for the replies - it's so hard to know what to expect since everything is so specific to "you" and your own situation, but it's helpful to know how others have gotten on which helps! I'll be going in on the 13th, I suppose I'm as prepared as I can be. It's been nice to have been off the chemo regimen for a month now, but it's also surfaced to me that the neuropathy from the oxaliplatin may be more permanent than I had anticipated, which is a bit depressing. Anyways, at least overall I've responded well to the treatments so far, so I'm just happy to be on this side of the dirt, as some say. Thanks again.
Dx 7/24 Stage IV Malignant neoplasm of splenic flexure / mets to liver
DPYD normal metabolizer
KRAS Wildtype
Port placement 8/24
CEA 6.5 (8/24) 1.2 (12/24)
FOLFOX + Pmab 8x as of 12/24
Liver tumors shrunk > 85% 12/24
Colectomy scheduled 2/13/25
Future: liver resection + hepatic infusion pump placement

Posts: 165
Joined: Mon Jun 29, 2020 3:38 pm

Re: Colectomy recovery expectations

Postby I_will_fight » Sun Feb 09, 2025 7:55 am

Hi JPDALTON, this is Javi, from Spain.

My primary was also in the splenic flexure so I ended up having left colectomy but no need for colostomy bag.

The recovery took less than a month, I think, but i had open surgery, if you have laparoscopic surgery it may be faster for you.

At the beginning even coughing or sneezing (or indeed taking a deep breath) was painful. But i never needed a chair. And I starting taking walks in a few days.

Good luck

46 yo male Spain
06/2020 - 6cm T3N0M0 CC splenic flex
3 and 4 mm lung ground glass
lymp 0/37
KRAS mt G13D
V/LNI absent
PNI present
07/20 - hemicol surg, optimistic surgeon.
11/20 - 4 x CAPOX completed.
12/20 - Clear colonoscopy
02/21 - MRI liver lesion unchanged.
11/21 - Clear CT
02/22- Colonoscopy: Sessil polyp 3mm
05/22- Clear CT
06/22- Negative Signatera
12/22- Negative Signatera
01/23- Clear CT
07/23- Clear CT, normal markers.
09/23 - Negative Signatera
01/24 - Clear CT
01/25 - Clear CT

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