Hi all - I've been lurking for a few months, it seems most of these types of groups have migrated to other social media platforms (i.e. facebook) which I initially started looking through but became very discouraged with all the doom & gloom and unmoderated, literally thousands, of groups out there. Even though it seems I've stumbled upon what appears to have once been a very active board, I'm finding some good information here and there which has been helpful. I'm sure this question has been covered a million times in the past, but I was wondering if anyone with a recent experience with having a colectomy could ballpark what to expect after this type of surgery - i.e., how long was it before you were able to get out of a chair without assistance, getting back into a somewhat normal routine, etc. My surgical plan at least going into it is to remove the sigmoid bit of the colon to get the primary tumor. It won't extend down to the rectal area so I'm not expecting to have to have a bag, but I know that's a possibility and I'm ok with it if that's what has to be done. I know that the bowel issues after this type of surgery will just have to work themselves out, and everyone might have their own individual experiences, so just like many of you, I'm prepared to just deal with it and get on with life as best as possible.