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by deha50
Fri Jun 21, 2024 10:55 am
Forum: Colon Talk - Colon cancer (colorectal cancer) support forum
Topic: Next Steps Question!
Replies: 8
Views: 3557

Re: Next Steps Question!

I do not know what your next steps should be, but I would encourage you to continue to advocate/push hard for answers until you are satisfied. I received my 4th cancer diagnosis many, many months after I started reporting symptoms to my oncologist. I had cancer THREE times previously and my well res...
by deha50
Tue Jun 11, 2024 2:45 pm
Forum: Colon Talk - Colon cancer (colorectal cancer) support forum
Topic: Scars vs local recurrence
Replies: 7
Views: 2636

Re: Scars vs local recurrence

I would ask your oncologist to show you the scar tissue!
by deha50
Sat Dec 23, 2023 6:00 pm
Forum: Colon Talk - Colon cancer (colorectal cancer) support forum
Topic: 3 years cancer free stage 4
Replies: 6
Views: 4913

Re: 3 years cancer free stage 4

Awesome. Thanks for sharing. It is always uplifting to hear positive stories!
by deha50
Sat Dec 16, 2023 8:22 am
Forum: Colon Talk - Colon cancer (colorectal cancer) support forum
Topic: How do you guys deal with anxiety about the situation?
Replies: 10
Views: 5168

Re: How do you guys deal with anxiety about the situation?

Hi, I concur with Rock said. I was in therapy the entire time I was receiving chemo. It helped a lot. I am so sorry you are going through this, particularly as such a young person. It makes sense you would be fighting with negative feelings right now. How could you not? I would try to pepper in some...
by deha50
Tue Nov 28, 2023 6:08 am
Forum: Colon Talk - Colon cancer (colorectal cancer) support forum
Topic: Is it ok to have liquid breakfasts on folfox?
Replies: 5
Views: 4467

Re: Is it ok to have liquid breakfasts on folfox?

I think you do what you need to do to get through chemo and try not to overthink things. If you only feel like having shakes the morning of chemo or whenever, you will be fine. Just do the best you can.
by deha50
Mon Nov 06, 2023 8:30 am
Forum: Colon Talk - Colon cancer (colorectal cancer) support forum
Topic: Uterine met survivors?
Replies: 7
Views: 5405

Re: Uterine met survivors?

Thank you SOOO much for responding. I appreciate it. Can I private message you?
by deha50
Tue Oct 31, 2023 8:52 pm
Forum: Colon Talk - Colon cancer (colorectal cancer) support forum
Topic: A very hard time
Replies: 4
Views: 2688

Re: A very hard time

I am so very sorry. I can't imagine what you have gone through. Thinking of you and hoping you feel a little better with each passing day. Hugs. I'm just going to put this out here even though it has nothing to do with crc. Its not going to make me feel better by no means but I need to let it out to...
by deha50
Tue Oct 31, 2023 8:49 pm
Forum: Colon Talk - Colon cancer (colorectal cancer) support forum
Topic: Uterine met survivors?
Replies: 7
Views: 5405

Re: Uterine met survivors?

Hi Beach, Thanks so much for your response. I really appreciate it. They are talking about surgery, but getting the medical system to move is like fighting with a moose. I am still without a lot of information, even though it has been nearly 2 weeks since my rediagnosis. I have to call and call to g...
by deha50
Mon Oct 30, 2023 2:48 pm
Forum: Colon Talk - Colon cancer (colorectal cancer) support forum
Topic: Uterine met survivors?
Replies: 7
Views: 5405

Uterine met survivors?

Hi, I am wondering if there are any survivors from a metastasis to the uterus, etc? Thanks in advance. I really appreciate it as I try to navigate our terribly difficult medical system here in the US. After 10 years of experience, it has only gotten worse and worse. Signature: stage 3b colostomy nov...
by deha50
Tue Oct 24, 2023 8:12 am
Forum: Colon Talk - Colon cancer (colorectal cancer) support forum
Topic: I'm having obsessive thoughts as to why?
Replies: 10
Views: 4399

Re: I'm having obsessive thoughts as to why?

No, sometimes bad things just happen. I am so sorry you are going through this, but try not to blame yourself. It's bad, awful luck. Keep doing all the right things!
by deha50
Sat Oct 21, 2023 7:53 pm
Forum: Colon Talk - Colon cancer (colorectal cancer) support forum
Topic: Partial vaginectomy question
Replies: 5
Views: 2217

Re: Partial vaginectomy question

That is the next step, but I am terrified my life will be so different that im unsure I want to live. Cancer takes so much from us. It's infuriating.
by deha50
Sat Oct 21, 2023 1:36 pm
Forum: Colon Talk - Colon cancer (colorectal cancer) support forum
Topic: Partial vaginectomy question
Replies: 5
Views: 2217

Re: Partial vaginectomy question

Any information would be greatly appreciate. Please!
by deha50
Sat Oct 21, 2023 9:07 am
Forum: Colon Talk - Colon cancer (colorectal cancer) support forum
Topic: Partial vaginectomy question
Replies: 5
Views: 2217

Partial vaginectomy question

Hi, I am wondering what the cons are in partial vaginectomy? How Long before you can exercise after having a small part of your vagina removed? What about after having the whole thing removed? Did you have it reconstructed during surgery or afterwards? Could you ever have sex again? Could you ever h...
by deha50
Tue Sep 26, 2023 5:33 pm
Forum: Colon Talk - Colon cancer (colorectal cancer) support forum
Topic: Has anyone had this FOLFOX side effect?
Replies: 18
Views: 3668

Re: Has anyone had this FOLFOX side effect?

My cancer center gave me Ativan wafers as a 3rd option. I opted to take it during every poisoning rather than the other stuff, but it made me sleep, which was okay. I took it the day of my poisoning and on a regular schedule. I stopped taking the meds the night my pump was removed. Hope you feel bet...

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