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O/T - Calling The Shots

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 4:15 pm
by Maggie Nell
The first issue is how doctors may not offer adequate and timely help in the first place, including how to manage basic symptoms like pain.
The second is how patients assume that doctors know how they’re feeling and don’t insist on more effective help.
Neither one is a good healthcare strategy.

In a perfect world, we wouldn’t need a book like Calling the Shots. Nor would the author herself have had to experience the sometimes
appalling but not uncommon slings and arrows of the healthcare system that led her to writing it. But if you’ve ever been a patient,
especially one with a serious illness or injury, or have ever advocated for a loved one who’s a patient, the odds are high that you
know all too well that the healthcare system is far from perfect.

written by Kathi, posted on Sunday, September 18, 2016 at 01:09 pm,

The above is an extract from a review of the recently published book by Beth L. Gainer, Calling the Shots in Your Medical Care
that can be read in full at the link. ... ok-review/